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User Modes

The following user modes are available on DareNET. If you need assistance using them, or would like further information on just what they do, please stop by #support.

Image:User delete.png = denotes modes which are restricted to DareNET staff.

Mode Summary Description
Image:User delete.png +a Administrator Denotes a Server Administrator on the network. Also grants a few extra privileges.
+d Deaf When enabled, you will not receive any channel notices or messages.
+D Privmsg Deaf When enabled, you will not receive any private messages or invites. Your /WHOIS will also show others that you've enabled this.
Image:User delete.png +e Debug When enabled, staff member will receive debug notices if debugging is enabled.
Image:User delete.png +F Flood Exempt User is exempt from flood checks.
+g CallerID When enabled, users must match an entry on your /ACCEPT list to private message/notice you.
+G Soft CallerID Prevents users who are not in at least one common channel with you from sending you private messages, notices and invites.
+i Invisible Prevents users who do not know your exact nickname from finding you through /WHO or /NAMES outputs.
Image:User delete.png +I Hide Idle Time When other users /WHOIS a person who is +I, they will not see they're idle time.
Image:User delete.png +k Network Service Denotes a network service (e.g. C, N, etc). Prevents them from being kicked/killed/deoped.
Image:User delete.png +n Hide Channels When other users /WHOIS a person who is +n, they will not see what channels they're in.
Image:User delete.png +N Network Administrator Denotes a Network Administrator on the network. Also grants a few extra privileges.
Image:User delete.png +o IRC Operator (global) Denotes a global IRC operator on the network.
Image:User delete.png +O IRC Operator (local) Denotes a local IRC operator on the network.
+R Registered-only Privmsg This mode allows you to block all private messages & notices from users who have not logged into N.
+s Server Notices Anyone can set this mode; however, only DareNET staff will receive server notices. See SNOMASKS for more information.
+w Wall Messages Allows you to see communications about the status of the network from others. Only DareNET staff will see WallOps messages.
Image:User delete.png +W Whois Paranoia Allows you to see when someone does a /WHOIS on you.
+x Hostmasking Enables or disables user hostmasking/titles. Note, you must login to N for this to take affect.
Image:User delete.png +X Xtra Op Enables a few extra features and privileges. (not presently used; slated for removal in next ircd release)