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Staff:Server Naming Guidelines

This document defines the guidelines currently used by DareNET to name IRC servers linked to the production (main) network.

In This Guide:

Client Servers

Servers that accept client connections should be named in the following manner.

Format: name.area.zone.darenet.org

The name portion must be unique and may be up to 30 characters in length (shorter the better, though), and may be anything the admin wants, so long as it is not vulgar or obscene.

zone refers to the basic region of the world that the server is physically located in. Below is a list of allowable values for zone:

af Africa (including South Africa)
an Antarctica
ap Asia-Pacific
au Australia
ca Canada
eu Europe (including former Soviet republics)
mx Mexico
sa South America
us United States

area refers to the more specific region within the zone that your server is in. For Antarctic, Australian, Canadian, Mexican and U.S. servers, area will be a two letter state/province abbreviation. For all other servers, area will be the two letter ISO code for the country your server is in.

Hub Servers

Format: name.hub.darenet.org

The name portion must be unique and may be up to 30 characters in length (shorter the better, though), and may be anything the admin wants, so long as it is not vulgar or obscene.

Special Servers

A "special" server is any server linked by the Excutive Board or Operations team without a full Infrastructure team vote. These servers must attach a flag to the end of their server name to signify their purpose.

Format: name-flag.area.zone.darenet.org

The name portion must be unique and may be up to 30 characters in length (shorter the better, though), and may be anything the admin wants, so long as it is not vulgar or obscene.

flag is a letter or number that signifies the server's purpose. Below is a list of allowable values for flag:

d Developmental server
e Emergency link
r Routing (client, hub, client-hub)

zone refers to the basic region of the world that the server is physically located in. Below is a list of allowable values for zone:

af Africa (including South Africa)
an Antarctica
ap Asia-Pacific
au Australia
ca Canada
eu Europe (including former Soviet republics)
mx Mexico
sa South America
us United States

area refers to the more specific region within the zone that your server is in. For Antarctic, Australian, Canadian, Mexican and U.S. servers, area will be a two letter state/province abbreviation. For all other servers, area will be the two letter ISO code for the country your server is in.


Services are exempt from these naming guidelines, and are named as decided by the Executive Board and Operations team.