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Server Notice Masks (SNOMASK)/new

Service notice masks (snomask) allow clients to specify which types of server notices they'd like to receive while they have usermode +s. The mask may optionally be omitted, and reasonable defaults will be used by the server.

Usage: /mode <nick> +s [+/-][mask]
Mask Description
c SNO_CONNEXIT Client connection notices.
d SNO_DEBUG Server debugging messages (debug mode only)
e SNO_TCPCOMMON Common TCP and socket error messages.
g SNO_GLINE Gline/zline/shun messages.
G SNO_AUTO Auto gline/zline/shun messages.
i SNO_IPMISMATCH IP mismatch messages.
j SNO_HACK4 HACK(4) messages (services actions on channels).
k SNO_SERVKILL Server kill messages.
K SNO_OPERKILL Oper kill messages.
n SNO_NICKCHG Nickname change messages.
o SNO_OLREALOP Old oper-only messages.
r SNO_TOOMANY Too many connection rejection messages.
R SNO_NETWORK Routing messages (e.g., net.join/breaks).
s SNO_OLDSNO Unsorted server notices.
u SNO_UNAUTH Unauthorized connection messages.
x SNO_SERVICEKILL Services kill messages.
z SNO_HACK3 HACK(3) messages (desyncs).
Z SNO_HACK2 HACK(2) messages (temporary desyncs).

Default Masks

  • standard +s: has no effect on DareNET
  • standard +s when opered (+o/O): SNO_DEFAULT | SNO_HACK2 | SNO_HACK4 | SNO_THROTTLE | SNO_OLDSNO

Example Usage

If you wanted to receive only operkills, you would use the following:

/mode <nick> +s K

To receive both operkills and glines:

/mode <nick> +s Kg

If you are already receiving notices, and you'd like to add an additional notice, for example SNO_NETWORK (e.g. netjoins/breaks), you'd use (notice the + before the mask):

/mode <nick> +s +R

If you would like to stop receiving such notices, for example SNO_NETWORK, but continue receiving other notices, you'd use:

/mode <nick> +s -R


/mode <nick> -s +R

While users can set +s, they will not receive any notices on DareNET. Opers who set +s will automatically receive netjoins/breaks, operkills, glines and HACK notices.