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Server Commands/GLINE

GLINE [[!][+|-][$<type>]<mask> [[<target>] <expiration> :<reason>]]

Sets (+), removes (-) or lists glines (global bans). The target can either be specified as * for a global gline (all servers) or a specific server can be specified for a local gline confined to the specified server. The <type> argument can be used to G-line user Realnames by using $R. The expiration can be specified either in seconds or as a formatted time, eg 2d5m3s (2 days 5 minutes 3 seconds. If the mask would not be permitted due to it being too wide or affecting too many users, the "!" prefix may be used to force the G-line to be set anyway.

By default, DareNET IRC operators cannot use the "!" prefix, or set global G-lines via the GLINE command (e.g. the server will actually prevent you from doing it). OperServ should be used to do this instead.

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