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Development Team/ircd-darenet/INSTALL

Since ircd-darenet is currently exclusively developed for DareNET, this install guide is written with that in mind. Should you need assistance, please contact a Server Management Team member.

In This Guide:

Step 1 - Obtaining ircd-darenet

First, SSH into your server, and run the following command:

svn co <url> ircd-darenet

Use the URL sent to you in your testlink e-mail for <url>, without the brackets of course.

Once you have issued this command, the system will begin to download the latest version of ircd-darenet, as used on DareNET.

Step 2 - Ensure you have required packages

Now, before we continue further, we'd like to make sure you have the packages needed for a successful install. So be sure you have the packages below installed on your box:

  • openssl
  • libssl-dev (for enabling ssl -- openssl-devel on redhat)
  • autoconf (to avoid errors when running make)
  • automake
  • gawk (neededfor lsync)

The named packages above can be fetched (on a Debian-based system) with apt-get.

For example:

sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev autoconf automake gawk

The actual names of the packages above may vary, depending on your distribution.

Step 3 - Installing ircd-darenet

Since ircd-darenet is developed for DareNET, you will not need to edit any configuration settings prior to installing it. So, let's move on to getting the server installed and running:

cd ircd-darenet

You can use one centralized directory if you'd like; however, we don't really recommend it. Additionally, DO NOT forget to enable ssl when:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/ircd --enable-ssl

Once that is done, run:



make install

If everything runs smoothly, you should now have an ircd directory:

cd /home/user/ircd

Step 4 - Editing the configuration file

Unlike most ircd's and networks, this is a fairly painless process on DareNET.

First, fetch the ircd.conf to the ircd directory:

wget -O ircd.conf http://www.darenet.org/files/ircd/ircd.conf

Edit the configuration lines as needed. Once you have done that, contact a Server Manager so they can setup lsync for your server, which fetch the additional configuration settings and keep them updated automagically.