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m (Changed protection level for "ChanServ/CHANNEL" [edit=sysop:move=sysop] [cascading])
Line 43: Line 43:
<td width="140px">[[ChanServ/down|DOWN]]</td>
<td width="140px">[[ChanServ/down|DOWN]]</td>
<td>Give yourself op/halfop/voice on a channel.</td>
<td>Remove op/halfop/voice for yourself on a channel.</td>
Line 49: Line 49:
<td width="140px">[[ChanServ/upall|UPALL]]</td>
<td width="140px">[[ChanServ/upall|UPALL]]</td>
<td>Give yourself op/halfop/voice on all channels you have access to.</td>
<td>Give yourself op/halfop/voice on all channels you have access to.</td>
<td width="140px">[[ChanServ/downall|DOWNALL]</td>
<td>Remove op/halfop/voice from yourself on all channels you have access to.</td>

Revision as of 01:11, 7 November 2009


{{ServicesDesc|main=Channel Management Commands:

For more information on a specific command, type: /ChanServ HELP <command>

SET Change various channel settings.
TOPIC Set the current topic, or reset it to the default topic.
MODE Change a channel mode.
OPEN Remove restrictive channel modes (e.g. +ilk) and any bans on you from a channel.
NOTE Set a note on a channel.
DELNOTE Remove a note from a channel.

UP Give yourself op/halfop/voice on a channel.
DOWN Remove op/halfop/voice for yourself on a channel.
UPALL Give yourself op/halfop/voice on all channels you have access to.
[[ChanServ/downall|DOWNALL] Remove op/halfop/voice from yourself on all channels you have access to.
OP Give ops to a user on a channel.
DEOP Remove a user's ops on a channel.
HOP Give halfops to a user on a channel.
DEHOP Remove a user's halfops on a channel.
VOICE Give voice to a user on a channel.
DEVOICE Remove a user's voice on a channel.
RESYNC Synchronize the channel's user list (e.g. (half)ops, voice).

KICK Kick a user from a channel.
BAN Ban a user from a channel
UNBAN Remove a ban from a channel's ban list
KICKBAN Kick and ban a user from a channel.
UNBANME Remove a ban matching your hostmask from the channel's ban list.
UNBANALL Remove all bans from a channel's ban list.
INVITE Admit a user to pass through +iblkr mode on a channel.

INFO Show information about a channel.
EVENTS View a list of events relevant to a channel.


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