* doc/reference.conf - ircd-darenet Reference configuration file.
* Copyright (C) 2010 DareNET Development Team
* The configuration format consists of various blocks, each containing
* name-value pairs, tags and/or string data. It is designed to be
* easily readable by both human and ircd.
* A block consists of a block name, an opening '{' brace, statements, a
* closing '}' brace, and a ';' semicolon. A statement consists of a name
* possibly followed by an '=' equals sign and a value, ending with a
* semicolon. All strings are surrounded by '"' double quotes.
* A sample block:
* blockname {
* name = value;
* name = "string";
* name = 123;
* tag;
* };
* All elements of the configuration are separated by whitespace, and can
* be packed on one line, or broken up over several lines. Whitespace is
* defined as space, tab or carriage return/linefeed.
* Three forms of comments are allowed:
* - C style multi-line
* - C++ style single-line
* - Shell style single-line
* When the configuration file is parsed, blocks are used in reverse order
* than how they are listed here. This means you should start multiple
* block definitions with the "fall through", and end with the most
* detailed.
* class {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them. That
* means they must be defined before client {}, connect {} and operator {}.
* Times/durations are written as:
* - a number in seconds (e.g., 60)
* - 1 hours 30 minutes 10 seconds
* - an arithmetic expression (e.g., 1*60+20)
* Valid units of time:
* decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
* Valid units of size:
* tbytes, gbytes, mbytes, kbytes, bytes
* All sizes and times should be specified as plural.
# General [REQUIRED]
# The General block defines information about the server itself.
# It is required for the server to start.
# Old conf format equivalents
# M:name:vhost:description::numeric
general {
/* name: the name of our server. */
name = "test.area.zone.darenet.org";
/* description: the description of our server. */
description = "ircd-darenet test server";
/* numeric: the unqiue server numeric for our server. It must be a
* digit between 0 and 4095, and is not updated on a rehash.
numeric = 999;
/* vhost: the IP to bind to when we connect outward to other servers.
* It must contain either a * or a valid ipv4 address in dotted quad
* notation.
vhost = "";
/* ssl_private_key: our ssl private key. */
ssl_private_key = "etc/ircd.key";
/* ssl_pem: file containing our ssl certificate and private key */
ssl_pem = "etc/ircd.pem";
# The server name may only be changed by a server restart. The description
# can be changed on rehash, but will not propagate to other linked servers.
# There must be exactly one General block.
# The Admin block defines information that can be retrieved with
# the /ADMIN command.
# Old conf format equivalents
# A:line1:line2:line3
admin {
location = "DareNET - http://www.darenet.org";
location = "Infrastructure Team";
contact = "<infrastructure@darenet.org>";
# Not all lines are required. There may only be one Admin block.
# The Class blocks define connection classes. All connections to the server
# are associated with a "connection class", whether they be incoming or
# outgoing (initiated by the server), be they clients or servers.
# Old conf format equivalents
# Y:class:pingfreq::maxlinks:sendq (clients)
# Y:class:pingfreq:connectfreq:maxlinks:sendq (servers)
class {
/* name: a name for the connection classes. */
name = "Users";
/* pingfreq: how often to PING idle connections. The time may be
* specified as a number (in seconds), or by giving something like
* 1 minutes 2 seconds, or 1*60+20.
pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
/* sendq: send buffer limit (e.g., the amount of data allowed in
* a client's queue before they are dropped.
sendq = 160000;
/* maxlinks: The maximum number of connections that may use this
* class. May be between 0 and 4,000,000,000.
maxlinks = 100;
/* usermode: an optional list of user modes that should be set
* upon the user while connecting.
usermode = "+iw";
class {
name = "Opers";
pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
sendq = 160000;
maxlinks = 25;
usermode = "+iw";
class {
name = "Server";
pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
/* connectfreq: this token applies only to servers, and specifies
* the frequency that the server tries to auto connect. Setting this
* to 0 will cause a server to attempt to connect repeatedly, with
* no delay until the maxlinks condition is satisified (which is not
* a good thing).
connectfreq = 5 minutes;
/* maxlinks: for server classes, specifies the maximum number of
* servers to autoconnect to. This should be 0 for hubs, and 1
* for leafs.
maxlinks = 0;
sendq = 9000000;
class {
name = "Leaf_Server";
pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
connectfreq = 5 minutes;
maxlinks = 1;
sendq = 9000000;
# For connection classes intended for operator use, you can specify
# privileges the operator should be granted when the Operator block
# names the class. The local privilege MUST be defined by either the
# Class or Operator block. It is highly recommended that most privs
# be explicityly specified in the operator's Operator block.
# A "default" class is created internally. This class is used when no
# other class is specified, but its settings are not useful for most
# situations. Custom classes are strongly recommended.
# There may be multiple Class blocks; at least one is recommended.
# The Client blocks define the hosts client connections are sllowed from,
# and places them into classes. While the server will start without a
# Client block, it will not be usable.
# Old conf format equivalents
# I:ipmask:passwd:hostmask:port:class
client {