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DareNET IRCd Configuration


Old M:line

The General {} block defines some information about the server itself.

  name = "servername";
  vhost = "ipv4vhost";
  description = "description";
  numeric = numericnumber;

<virtual host> must contain either a * or a valid IPv4 address in dotted quad notation (e.g. The address MUST be the address of a physical interface on the host. This address is used for outgoing connections only; see Port {} blocks for listener virtual hosting. If in doubt what to put here, use the IP of your primary interface here.

Note that <server numeric> must be unique on the network the server is running, and may be between 0 and 4095. It is not updated on a rehash. If linking to DareNET, you should use the numeric assigned to you by the Server Management team.

Example block:

<source lang="perl">General {

 name = "servername.area.zone.darenet.org";
 description = "DareNET Client Server";
 vhost = "";
 numeric = 10;



Old A:line

The Admin {} block defines information that can be retrieved with the /ADMIN command.

  Location = "string 1 here";
  Location = "string 2 here";
  Contact = "string 3 here";

Example block:

<source lang="perl">Admin {

 Location = "DareNET";
 Location = "Server Management Team";
 Contact = "<routing@darenet.org>";



Old Y:lines

All connections to the server are associated with a "connection class", whether they be incoming or outgoing (initiated by the server), be they clients or servers.

  name = "<class>";
  pingfreq = time;
  connectfreq = time;
  maxlinks = number;
  sendq = size;
  usermode = "+modes";

For connection classes used on server links, maxlinks should be set to either 0 (for hubs) or 1 (for leafs). Client connection classes may use maxlinks between 0 and approximately 4,000,000,000. A maxlinks of 0 means there is no limit on the number of connections using the class.

<connect freq> applies only to servers, and specifies the frequency that the server tries to auto connect. Setting this to 0 will cause the server to attempt to connect repeatedly with no delay until the <maximum links> condition is satisfied. This is a Bad Thing(tm). Time can be specified as a number, or by giving something like: 1 minutes 2 seconds, or 1*60+20.

For connection classes intended for operator use, you can specify privileges used when the Operator {} block (see below) names this class. The local (aka globally_opered) privilege MUST be defined by either the Class or Operator block. It is highly recommended privileges be specified in the operator's Operator {} block, instead of in Class {} blocks.

Example blocks:

Uplinks you are not a hub for: <source lang="perl">Class {

 name = "Server"
 pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
 connectfreq = 5 minutes;
 maxlinks = 1;
 sendq = 9000000;

};</source> Leaf servers you hub for: <source lang="perl">Class {

 name = "Leaf Server"
 pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
 connectfreq = 5 minutes;
 maxlinks = 0;
 sendq = 9000000;

};</source> All clients: <source lang="perl">Class {

 name = "Users"
 pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
 sendq = 60000;
 usermode = "+iw";

};</source> Opers: <source lang="perl">Class {

 name = "Opers"
 pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds;
 sendq = 60000;
 whox = yes;



Old I:lines

To allow clients to connect, they need authorization. This can be done based on hostmask, address mask and/or with a password. With intelligent use of classes and the maxlinks field in the Client {} blocks, you can let in a specific domain, but get rid of all other domains in the same top level, this setting up some sort of "reverse Kill {} block."

  host = "host";
  ip = "";
  password = "password";
  class = "classname";
  maxlinks = number;

Everything in a Client {} block is optional. If a username mask is specified, it must match the clients username from the IDENT protocol. If a hostmask is given, the client's hostname must resolve and match the hostmask. If a CIDR-style IP mask is given, the client must have an IP matching that range. If maxlinks is given, it limits the number of matching clients allowed from a particular IP address.

Technical Description:

For every connectiong client, the IP address is known. A reverse lookup is performed on this IP-number to get the (/all) hostname(s). Each hostname that belongs to this IP-number is matched to <hostmask>, and the Client {} block is used when any matches; the client will then show with this particular hostname. If none of the hostnames match, then the IP-number is matched against the <IP mask ...> field, and if this matches, the Client {} block is used nevertheless and the client will show with the first (main) hostname, if any. If the IP-number does not resolve, then the client will show with the dot notation of the IP-number.

There is a special case for UNIX domain sockets and localhost connections. In these cases, the <IP mask...> field is compared with the name of the server (thus not with any IP-number representation). The name of the server is the one returned in the numeric 002 reply. For example:

002 Your host is 2.darenet.org[jolan.ppro], running version ...

In this example, "jolan.ppro" is the name used for matching. Therefore, UNIX domain sockets, and connections to localhost, would match this block:

host = "*@jolan.ppro";

Example blocks:

Prevent unresolved clients from connecting: <source lang="perl">Client {

 host = "*@*";
 class = "Users";
 maxlinks = 5;


Only accept two connections from dial up accounts that have "dial??.*" as host mask: <source lang="perl">Client {

 host = "*@dial??.*";
 class = "Users";
 maxlinks = 2;


Allow anyone to connect: <source lang="perl">Client {

 host = "*@*";
 ip = "*@*";
 class = "Other";
 maxlinks = 5;



Old T:lines

It is possible to show a different Message of the Day (MOTD) to a connecting client depending on its origin.

  host = "Users";
  file = "path/to/motd/file";

More than one host = "mask"; entry may be present in one block; this has the same effect as one motd {} block for each host entry, but makes it easier to update the message's filename. Additionally, you may specify a the name of a Class {} block to match against in the <host> portion.

Example block:

<source lang="perl">motd {

 host = "*@*.jp";
 file = "japanese.motd";



Old C:lines, H:lines, L:lines

Connect {} blocks define what servers the server may connect to, and which servers are allowed to connect.

IRC servers connect to other servers forming a network with a star or tree topology. Loops are not allowed. In this network, two servers can be distinguished: "hub" and "leaf". Leaf servers connect to hubs; hubs connect to each other. Of course, many servers can't be directly classified in either of these categories. Both a fixed and a rule-based decision making system for server links exists to aide ircd in deciding what links to allow, what to let humans do themselves and what links to (forcefully) disallow.

  name = "servername";
  host = "hostnameORip";
  password = "passwd";
  port = portno;
  class = "classname";
  maxhops = 2;
  leaf = no;
  autoconnect = no;

The "port" field defines the default port the server tries to connect to if an operator uses /CONNECT without specifying a port. This is also the port used when the server attempts to auto-connect to the remote server. You may tell ircd-darenet to not automatically connect to a server by adding "autoconnect = no;"; the default is to auto connect.

The maxhops field causes an SQUIT if a hub tries to introduce servers farther away than that; the element 'leaf;' is an aliad for a maxhops of 0. The hub field limits the names of servers that may be introduced by a hub; the element 'hub;' is an alias for hub = "*";.

Example block:

Our primary uplink: <source lang="perl">Connect {

 name = "servername.hub.darenet.org";
 host = "";
 password = "passwd";
 port = 7325;
 class = "Server";


Connect Rules

Old D:lines & d:lines

For an advanced, real-time rule-based routing decision making system, you can use the crule {} blocks. For more information, see doc/readme.crules. If more than one server mask is present in a single rule, the rule applies to all servers.

Using all = yes; makes the rule always apply; otherwise, it only applies to auto connects.

  server = "servermask";
  rule = "connectrule";
  all = yes;

Example blocks:

<source lang="perl">CRULE {

 server = "*.use.darenet.org";
 rule = "connected(*.us.darenet.org)";


Recommended for all leafs: <source lang="perl">CRULE {

 server = "*";
 rule = "directcon(*)";



Old O:lines

Inevitably, you have reached the part about "IRC Operators." Oper status grants some special privileges to a user, like the power to make the server break or (try to) establish a connection with another server. and to "kill" users off the network.

More than one host = "mask"; entry may be present in one block; this has the same effect as one Operator block for each host entry, but makes it easier to update operator nicks, passwords, classes, and privileges.

  host = "host/IP mask";
  name = "opername";
  password = "encryptedpass";
  flags = "oper flags";
  class = "classname";

You can also set any operator privilege within the Operator {} block itself. A privilege defined for a single operator will override any privilege settings that may be present in the specified Class {} block, and the default setting.

By default, the password is hashed using the system's native crypt() function. Other password mechanisms are available; the umkpasswd utility from the ircd directory can hash passwords using those mechanisms. If you use a password format that is NOT generated by umkpasswd, ircd-darenet will not recognize the oper's password.

If you want to use a more secure password authentication system then generate a 1024bit RSA key, specify the path to the key as the password and add R as the oper flag. This will use the /CHALLENGE system instead of /OPER. See doc/challenge.txt for more information.

Note that the <connection class> is optional, but omitting it puts the oper in class "default". which usually only accepts one connection at a time. If you want users to be able to /OPER more than once per block, then use a connection class that allows more than one connection.

Once you /OPER, your connection class changes no matter where you are or what your previous connection class was. If the defined connections class is Opers for the Operator {} block, then your new connection class is Opers.

There are currently 8 types of flags:

  • o - Local Operator
  • O - Global Operator
  • A - Server Administrator
  • r - O:Line can be used from remote servers
  • W - Allowed to set user mode +W (whois notice)
  • I - Allowed to set user mode +I (hide idle)
  • n - Allowed to set user mode +n (hide channels)
  • R - Use /CHALLENGE instead of /OPER

Note that you cannot use the o, O and A flags at the same time. You may only specify one of the three. Additionally, you cannot specify *@* in the host field.

Example block: <source lang="perl">Operator {

 name = "JoeOper";
 host = "*joe@*.uu.net";
 password = "/home/irc/keys/joeoper.key";
 flags = "OrWInR";
 class = "Opers";
 local = no;
 kill = yes;



Old U:lines

UWorld {} blocks allow a server to broadcast any mode change (without regard to TimeStamps), among other things.

  name = "relservername";

You may have have more than one name listed in each block.

Note, these lines must be the same on every single server; otherwise, results may be disastrous.

Example block:

<source lang="perl">UWorld {

 name = "services.darenet.org";
 name = "statistics.darenet.org";


Nickname Jupes

New (split from old U:lines)

It is possible to "jupe" nicknames, so that users may not use them. This also prevents opers from using them. You may also specify wildcards of * and ?.

  nick = "comma separated list of nicks";

Example block:

<source lang="perl">NickJupe {

 nick = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,{,|,},~,-,_,`";
 nick = "login,darenet,protocol,pass,newpass";
 nick = "ChanS?rv,NickS?rv,MemoS?rv,HelpS?rv,OperS?rv,BotS?rv,RootS?rv,StatS?rv,SpamS?rv";
 nick = "oper,operator,admin,administrator,network,global,staff";



Old K:lines

While running your server, you will most probably encounter individuals or groups of person that you do not want to have access to your server. For this purpose, ircd-darenet understands Kill {} blocks. There are also known as K-lines, by virtue of the former config file format.

  host = "user@host";
  reason = "The reason the user will see";
  name = "mark";

If klineprompt; is present, users may bypass the ban by using Login-on-Connect (LOC). You can also mark clients by using name = "mark here";

  realname = "realname here";
  reason = "The reason the user will see";

It is also possible to ban based on username.

  username = "username here";
  reason = "The reason the user will see";

It is also possible to use a file as comment for the ban, using.

  host = "user@host";
  file = "path/to/file/with/reason/to/show";

The file can contain for example, a reason, a link to the server rules and a contact address. Also, note the combination of username and host in the host field. IP-based Kill {} blocks apply to all hosts, even if an IP address has a properly resolving host name.

Additionally, you may specify a hostmask prefixed with $V to indicate a match should be performed against the CTCP version of the user rather han the host/IP.

  version = "string";
  reason = "reason here";

Example blocks:

<source lang="perl">Kill {

 host = "*@*.aol.com";
 reason = "Due to abuse, AOL users must login with their DareNET account to connect.";


<source lang="perl">Kill {

 host = "192.168.*";
 reason = "Monkeys.";


<source lang="perl">Kill {

 username = "sub7";
 realname = "s*7*";
 reason = "You are infected with a Trojan";


<source lang="perl">Kill {

 username = "sub7";
 realname = "s*7*";
 reason = "You are infected with a Trojan";



Old E:lines

Except {} blocks can be used to exempt a user from Kill {} blocks, GLINEs, ZLINEs, SHUNs, spam filters, IDENT_CHALLENGE and LIST delays.

  mask = "<mask>";
  flags = "<flags>";

<mask> is an ident@ip/host/cidr mask that is to match the user to exempted. <flags> is one or more of the following flags to specify what the exempt is to match.

  • k - Except affects Kill {} blocks.
  • g - Except affects GLINEs.
  • z - Except affects ZLINEs.
  • s - Except affects SHUNs.
  • S - Except affects spam filters.
  • L - Except affects LIST delays.
  • i - Except affects ident challenges (see IDENT_CHALLENGE feature).

Example block:

<source lang="perl">Except {

 host = "*@*.darenet.org";
 flags = "kgzsL";



Old B:lines

Command {} blocks aim to improve the generic IRC users ability to use network services. Each block sets up a /<service> alias so that users may type that instead of a full /msg command. Some might argue this is a bit more secure as well :)

  cmd = "<alias name>";
  service = "<target>";
  prefix = "<anything to prepend to the message>";

If prefix = ""; is given, then ircd-darenet will prefix the specified string to whatever the user inputs before sending it to the service.

Example blocks:

<source lang="perl">Command {

 cmd = "AUTH";
 service = "NickServ@services.darenet.org";
 prefix = "AUTH";


<source lang="perl">Command {

 cmd = "NICKSERV";
 service = "NickServ@services.darenet.org";



Old b:lines

Forward {} blocks enable the server to forward any messages which are prefixed and specific with a Forward {} block. This allows users to use services fantasy commands without the service client being in the channel (provided the channel is registered).

  "<prefix" = "<server>";

Example block:

<source lang="perl">Command {

 "." = "services.darenet.org";
