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Development Team/ircd-darenet/INSTALL

IRCd-DareNET's source is currently not available to the public; however, we do plan to eventually release it someday. Your patience is required until it happens. That said, new links will receive an e-mail from the Server Management Team with instructions on how to obtain the source.

Step 1 - Ensuring you have the required packages

Before attempting to compile and install ircd-darenet, you should first make sure you have the necessary packages needed for a successful install. So be sure you have the packages below installed on your box. If you have questions, please consult with a Server Management Team member.

  • SVN
  • openssl
  • libssl-dev (for enabling ssl -- openssl-devel on redhat)
  • autoconf (to avoid errors when running make)
  • automake
  • gawk

The named packages above can be fetched (on a Debian-based system) with apt-get.

For example:

sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev autoconf automake

The actual names of the packages above may vary, depending on your distribution.

Step 2 - Installing IRCd-DareNET

IRCd-DareNET is intended for use on DareNET; therefore, you should not need to edit any configuration settings prior to installing it.

cd ircd-darenet

DO NOT forget to enable ssl:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/ircd

Once that is done, run:



make install

If everything runs smoothly, you should now have an ircd directory:

cd /home/user/ircd

Step 3 - Editing the configuration file

This is a farily painless process, and should only take between 5 - 10 minutes.

First, fetch the ircd.conf to the ircd directory:

wget -O ircd.conf http://www.darenet.org/files/ircd/ircd.conf

Edit the configuration lines as needed. Once you have done that, contact the Server Management Team so they can setup lsync for your server, which will fetch the additional configuration settings needed and keep them updated automagically.