This list of standard numerics copied from and adapted to wiki format. In this table, standard means that it is recognised by one or more other IRCds.
001 | RPL_WELCOME | RFC2812 | :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network <nick>!<user>@<host> | The first message sent after client registration. The text used varies widely |
002 | RPL_YOURHOST | RFC2812 | :Your host is <servername>, running version <version> | Part of the post-registration greeting. Text varies widely |
003 | RPL_CREATED | RFC2812 | :This server was created <date> | Part of the post-registration greeting. Text varies widely |
004 | RPL_MYINFO | RFC2812 | <server_name> <version> <user_modes> <chan_modes> | Part of the post-registration greeting |
004 | RPL_MYINFO | KineIRCd | <server_name> <version> <user_modes> <chan_modes> <channel_modes_with_params> <user_modes_with_params> <server_modes> <server_modes_with_params> | Same as RFC2812 however with additional fields to avoid additional 005 burden. |
005 | RPL_BOUNCE | RFC2812 | :Try server <server_name>, port <port_number> | Sent by the server to a user to suggest an alternative server, sometimes used when the connection is refused because the server is already full. Also known as RPL_SLINE (AustHex), and RPL_REDIR Also see #010. |
005 | RPL_ISUPPORT | Also known as RPL_PROTOCTL (Bahamut, Unreal, Ultimate) | ||
006 | RPL_MAP | Unreal | ||
007 | RPL_MAPEND | Unreal | ||
008 | RPL_SNOMASK | ircu | Server notice mask (hex) | |
009 | RPL_STATMEMTOT | ircu | ||
010 | RPL_BOUNCE | <hostname> <port> :<info> | Sent to the client to redirect it to another server. Also known as RPL_REDIR | |
010 | RPL_STATMEM | ircu | ||
014 | RPL_YOURCOOKIE | Hybrid? | ||
015 | RPL_MAP | ircu | ||
016 | RPL_MAPMORE | ircu | ||
017 | RPL_MAPEND | ircu | ||
042 | RPL_YOURID | IRCnet | ||
043 | RPL_SAVENICK | IRCnet | :<info> | Sent to the client when their nickname was forced to change due to a collision |
050 | RPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC | aircd | ||
051 | RPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE | aircd | ||
200 | RPL_TRACELINK | RFC1459 | Link <version>[.<debug_level>] <destination> <next_server> [V<protocol_version> <link_uptime_in_seconds> <backstream_sendq> <upstream_sendq>] | See RFC |
201 | RPL_TRACECONNECTING | RFC1459 | Try. <class> <server> | See RFC |
202 | RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE | RFC1459 | H.S. <class> <server> | See RFC |
203 | RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN | RFC1459 | ???? <class> [<connection_address>] | See RFC |
204 | RPL_TRACEOPERATOR | RFC1459 | Oper <class> <nick> | See RFC |
205 | RPL_TRACEUSER | RFC1459 | User <class> <nick> | See RFC |
206 | RPL_TRACESERVER | RFC1459 | Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!user | *!*>@<host |
207 | RPL_TRACESERVICE | RFC2812 | Service <class> <name> <type> <active_type> | See RFC |
208 | RPL_TRACENEWTYPE | RFC1459 | <newtype> 0 <client_name> | See RFC |
209 | RPL_TRACECLASS | RFC2812 | Class <class> <count> | See RFC |
210 | RPL_STATS | aircd | Used instead of having multiple stats numerics | |
211 | RPL_STATSLINKINFO | RFC1459 | <linkname> <sendq> <sent_msgs> <sent_bytes> <recvd_msgs> <rcvd_bytes> <time_open> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
212 | RPL_STATSCOMMANDS | RFC1459 | <command> <count> [<byte_count> <remote_count>] | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
213 | RPL_STATSCLINE | RFC1459 | C <host> * <name> <port> <class> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
214 | RPL_STATSNLINE | RFC1459 | N <host> * <name> <port> <class> | Reply to STATS (See RFC), Also known as RPL_STATSOLDNLINE (ircu, Unreal) |
215 | RPL_STATSILINE | RFC1459 | I <host> * <host> <port> <class> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
216 | RPL_STATSKLINE | RFC1459 | K <host> * <username> <port> <class> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
217 | RPL_STATSQLINE | RFC1459 | ||
217 | RPL_STATSPLINE | ircu | ||
218 | RPL_STATSYLINE | RFC1459 | Y <class> <ping_freq> <connect_freq> <max_sendq> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
219 | RPL_ENDOFSTATS | RFC1459 | <query> :<info> | End of RPL_STATS* list. |
220 | RPL_STATSPLINE | Hybrid | ||
220 | RPL_STATSBLINE | Bahamut, Unreal | ||
221 | RPL_UMODEIS | RFC1459 | <user_modes> [<user_mode_params>] | Information about a user's own modes. Some daemons have extended the mode command and certain modes take parameters (like channel modes). |
222 | RPL_MODLIST | |||
222 | RPL_SQLINE_NICK | Unreal | ||
222 | RPL_STATSBLINE | Bahamut | ||
223 | RPL_STATSELINE | Bahamut | ||
223 | RPL_STATSGLINE | Unreal | ||
224 | RPL_STATSFLINE | Hybrid, Bahamut | ||
224 | RPL_STATSTLINE | Unreal | ||
225 | RPL_STATSDLINE | Hybrid | ||
225 | RPL_STATSZLINE | Bahamut | ||
225 | RPL_STATSELINE | Unreal | ||
226 | RPL_STATSCOUNT | Bahamut | ||
226 | RPL_STATSNLINE | Unreal | ||
227 | RPL_STATSGLINE | Bahamut | ||
227 | RPL_STATSVLINE | Unreal | ||
228 | RPL_STATSQLINE | ircu | ||
231 | RPL_SERVICEINFO | RFC1459 | ||
232 | RPL_ENDOFSERVICES | RFC1459 | ||
232 | RPL_RULES | Unreal | ||
233 | RPL_SERVICE | RFC1459 | ||
234 | RPL_SERVLIST | RFC2812 | <name> <server> <mask> <type> <hopcount> <info> | A service entry in the service list |
235 | RPL_SERVLISTEND | RFC2812 | <mask> <type> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_SERVLIST list |
236 | RPL_STATSVERBOSE | ircu | Verbose server list? | |
237 | RPL_STATSENGINE | ircu | Engine name? | |
238 | RPL_STATSFLINE | ircu | Feature lines? | |
239 | RPL_STATSIAUTH | IRCnet | ||
240 | RPL_STATSVLINE | RFC2812 | ||
240 | RPL_STATSXLINE | AustHex | ||
241 | RPL_STATSLLINE | RFC1459 | L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
242 | RPL_STATSUPTIME | RFC1459 | :Server Up <days> days <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
243 | RPL_STATSOLINE | RFC1459 | O <hostmask> * <nick> [:<info>] | Reply to STATS (See RFC); The info field is an extension found in some IRC daemons, which returns info such as an e-mail address or the name/job of an operator |
244 | RPL_STATSHLINE | RFC1459 | H <hostmask> * <servername> | Reply to STATS (See RFC) |
245 | RPL_STATSSLINE | Bahamut, IRCnet, Hybrid | ||
246 | RPL_STATSPING | RFC2812 | ||
246 | RPL_STATSTLINE | ircu | ||
246 | RPL_STATSULINE | Hybrid | ||
247 | RPL_STATSBLINE | RFC2812 | ||
247 | RPL_STATSXLINE | Hybrid, PTlink, Unreal | ||
247 | RPL_STATSGLINE | ircu | ||
248 | RPL_STATSULINE | ircu | ||
248 | RPL_STATSDEFINE | IRCnet | ||
249 | RPL_STATSULINE | Extension to RFC1459? | ||
249 | RPL_STATSDEBUG | Hybrid | ||
250 | RPL_STATSDLINE | RFC2812 | ||
250 | RPL_STATSCONN | ircu, Unreal | ||
251 | RPL_LUSERCLIENT | RFC1459 | :There are <int> users and <int> invisible on <int> servers | Reply to LUSERS command, other versions exist (eg. RFC2812); Text may vary. |
252 | RPL_LUSEROP | RFC1459 | <int> :<info> | Reply to LUSERS command - Number of IRC operators online |
253 | RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN | RFC1459 | <int> :<info> | Reply to LUSERS command - Number of unknown/unregistered connections |
254 | RPL_LUSERCHANNELS | RFC1459 | <int> :<info> | Reply to LUSERS command - Number of channels formed |
255 | RPL_LUSERME | RFC1459 | :I have <int> clients and <int> servers | Reply to LUSERS command - Information about local connections; Text may vary. |
256 | RPL_ADMINME | RFC1459 | <server> :<info> | Start of an RPL_ADMIN* reply. In practise, the server parameter is often never given, and instead the info field contains the text 'Administrative info about <server>'. Newer daemons seem to follow the RFC and output the server's hostname in the 'server' parameter, but also output the server name in the text as per traditional daemons. |
257 | RPL_ADMINLOC1 | RFC1459 | :<admin_location> | Reply to ADMIN command (Location, first line) |
258 | RPL_ADMINLOC2 | RFC1459 | :<admin_location> | Reply to ADMIN command (Location, second line) |
259 | RPL_ADMINEMAIL | RFC1459 | :<email_address> | Reply to ADMIN command (E-mail address of administrator) |
261 | RPL_TRACELOG | RFC1459 | File <logfile> <debug_level> | See RFC |
262 | RPL_TRACEPING | Extension to RFC1459? | ||
262 | RPL_TRACEEND | RFC2812 | <server_name> <version>[.<debug_level>] :<info> | Used to terminate a list of RPL_TRACE* replies |
263 | RPL_TRYAGAIN | RFC2812 | <command> :<info> | When a server drops a command without processing it, it MUST use this reply. Also known as RPL_LOAD_THROTTLED and RPL_LOAD2HI, I'm presuming they do the same thing. |
265 | RPL_LOCALUSERS | aircd, Hybrid, Hybrid, Bahamut | Also known as RPL_CURRENT_LOCAL | |
266 | RPL_GLOBALUSERS | aircd, Hybrid, Hybrid, Bahamut | Also known as RPL_CURRENT_GLOBAL | |
267 | RPL_START_NETSTAT | aircd | ||
268 | RPL_NETSTAT | aircd | ||
269 | RPL_END_NETSTAT | aircd | ||
270 | RPL_PRIVS | ircu | ||
271 | RPL_SILELIST | ircu | ||
272 | RPL_ENDOFSILELIST | ircu | ||
273 | RPL_NOTIFY | aircd | ||
274 | RPL_ENDNOTIFY | aircd | ||
274 | RPL_STATSDELTA | IRCnet | ||
275 | RPL_STATSDLINE | ircu, Ultimate | ||
276 | RPL_VCHANEXIST | |||
277 | RPL_VCHANLIST | |||
278 | RPL_VCHANHELP | |||
280 | RPL_GLIST | ircu | ||
281 | RPL_ENDOFGLIST | ircu | ||
281 | RPL_ACCEPTLIST | |||
282 | RPL_JUPELIST | ircu | ||
283 | RPL_ALIST | |||
283 | RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST | ircu | ||
284 | RPL_ENDOFALIST | |||
284 | RPL_FEATURE | ircu | ||
285 | RPL_GLIST_HASH | |||
285 | RPL_CHANINFO_HANDLE | aircd | ||
285 | RPL_NEWHOSTIS | QuakeNet | ||
286 | RPL_CHANINFO_USERS | aircd | ||
286 | RPL_CHKHEAD | QuakeNet | ||
287 | RPL_CHANINFO_CHOPS | aircd | ||
287 | RPL_CHANUSER | QuakeNet | ||
288 | RPL_CHANINFO_VOICES | aircd | ||
288 | RPL_PATCHHEAD | QuakeNet | ||
289 | RPL_CHANINFO_AWAY | aircd | ||
289 | RPL_PATCHCON | QuakeNet | ||
290 | RPL_CHANINFO_OPERS | aircd | ||
290 | RPL_HELPHDR | Unreal | ||
290 | RPL_DATASTR | QuakeNet | ||
291 | RPL_CHANINFO_BANNED | aircd | ||
291 | RPL_HELPOP | Unreal | ||
291 | RPL_ENDOFCHECK | QuakeNet | ||
292 | RPL_CHANINFO_BANS | aircd | ||
292 | RPL_HELPTLR | Unreal | ||
293 | RPL_CHANINFO_INVITE | aircd | ||
293 | RPL_HELPHLP | Unreal | ||
294 | RPL_CHANINFO_INVITES | aircd | ||
294 | RPL_HELPFWD | Unreal | ||
295 | RPL_CHANINFO_KICK | aircd | ||
295 | RPL_HELPIGN | Unreal | ||
296 | RPL_CHANINFO_KICKS | aircd | ||
299 | RPL_END_CHANINFO | aircd | ||
300 | RPL_NONE | RFC1459 | Dummy reply, supposedly only used for debugging/testing new features, however has appeared in production daemons. | |
301 | RPL_AWAY | RFC1459 | <nick> :<message> | Used in reply to a command directed at a user who is marked as away |
301 | RPL_AWAY | KineIRCd | <nick> <seconds away> :<message> | Identical to RPL_AWAY, however this includes the number of seconds the user has been away for. This is designed to discourage the need for people to use those horrible scripts which set the AWAY message every 30 seconds in order to include an 'away since' timer. |
302 | RPL_USERHOST | RFC1459 | :*1<reply> *( ' ' <reply> ) | Reply used by USERHOST (see RFC) |
303 | RPL_ISON | RFC1459 | :*1<nick> *( ' ' <nick> ) | Reply to the ISON command (see RFC) |
304 | RPL_TEXT | |||
305 | RPL_UNAWAY | RFC1459 | :<info> | Reply from AWAY when no longer marked as away |
306 | RPL_NOWAWAY | RFC1459 | :<info> | Reply from AWAY when marked away |
307 | RPL_USERIP | |||
307 | RPL_WHOISREGNICK | Bahamut, Unreal | ||
307 | RPL_SUSERHOST | AustHex | ||
308 | RPL_NOTIFYACTION | aircd | ||
308 | RPL_WHOISADMIN | Bahamut | ||
308 | RPL_RULESSTART | Unreal | ||
309 | RPL_NICKTRACE | aircd | ||
309 | RPL_WHOISSADMIN | Bahamut | ||
309 | RPL_ENDOFRULES | Unreal | ||
309 | RPL_WHOISHELPER | AustHex | ||
310 | RPL_WHOISSVCMSG | Bahamut | ||
310 | RPL_WHOISHELPOP | Unreal | ||
310 | RPL_WHOISSERVICE | AustHex | ||
311 | RPL_WHOISUSER | RFC1459 | <nick> <user> <host> * :<real_name> | Reply to WHOIS - Information about the user |
312 | RPL_WHOISSERVER | RFC1459 | <nick> <server> :<server_info> | Reply to WHOIS - What server they're on |
313 | RPL_WHOISOPERATOR | RFC1459 | <nick> :<privileges> | Reply to WHOIS - User has IRC Operator privileges |
314 | RPL_WHOWASUSER | RFC1459 | <nick> <user> <host> * :<real_name> | Reply to WHOWAS - Information about the user |
315 | RPL_ENDOFWHO | RFC1459 | <name> :<info> | Used to terminate a list of RPL_WHOREPLY replies |
316 | RPL_WHOISCHANOP | RFC1459 | ||
317 | RPL_WHOISIDLE | RFC1459 | <nick> <seconds> :seconds idle | Reply to WHOIS - Idle information |
318 | RPL_ENDOFWHOIS | RFC1459 | <nick> :<info> | Reply to WHOIS - End of list |
319 | RPL_WHOISCHANNELS | RFC1459 | <nick> :*( ( '@' / '+' ) <channel> ' ' ) | Reply to WHOIS - Channel list for user (See RFC) |
320 | RPL_WHOISVIRT | AustHex | ||
320 | RPL_WHOIS_HIDDEN | Anothernet | ||
320 | RPL_WHOISSPECIAL | Unreal | ||
321 | RPL_LISTSTART | RFC1459 | Channels :Users Name | Channel list - Header |
322 | RPL_LIST | RFC1459 | <channel> <#_visible> :<topic> | Channel list - A channel |
323 | RPL_LISTEND | RFC1459 | :<info> | Channel list - End of list |
324 | RPL_CHANNELMODEIS | RFC1459 | <channel> <mode> <mode_params> | |
325 | RPL_UNIQOPIS | RFC2812 | <channel> <nickname> | |
326 | RPL_NOCHANPASS | |||
328 | RPL_CHANNEL_URL | Bahamut, AustHex | ||
329 | RPL_CREATIONTIME | Bahamut | ||
330 | RPL_WHOWAS_TIME | |||
330 | RPL_WHOISACCOUNT | ircu | <nick> <authname> :<info> | |
331 | RPL_NOTOPIC | RFC1459 | <channel> :<info> | Response to TOPIC when no topic is set |
332 | RPL_TOPIC | RFC1459 | <channel> :<topic> | Response to TOPIC with the set topic |
333 | RPL_TOPICWHOTIME | ircu | ||
334 | RPL_LISTUSAGE | ircu | ||
334 | RPL_COMMANDSYNTAX | Bahamut | ||
334 | RPL_LISTSYNTAX | Unreal | ||
335 | RPL_WHOISBOT | Unreal | ||
338 | RPL_CHANPASSOK | |||
338 | RPL_WHOISACTUALLY | ircu, Bahamut | ||
340 | RPL_USERIP | ircu | ||
341 | RPL_INVITING | RFC1459 | <nick> <channel> | Returned by the server to indicate that the attempted INVITE message was successful and is being passed onto the end client. Note that RFC1459 documents the parameters in the reverse order. The format given here is the format used on production servers, and should be considered the standard reply above that given by RFC1459. |
342 | RPL_SUMMONING | RFC1459 | <user> :<info> | Returned by a server answering a SUMMON message to indicate that it is summoning that user |
345 | RPL_INVITED | GameSurge | <channel> <user being invited> <user issuing invite> :<user being invited> has been invited by <user issuing invite> | Sent to users on a channel when an INVITE command has been issued |
346 | RPL_INVITELIST | RFC2812 | <channel> <invitemask> | An invite mask for the invite mask list |
347 | RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST | RFC2812 | <channel> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_INVITELIST list |
348 | RPL_EXCEPTLIST | RFC2812 | <channel> <exceptionmask> | An exception mask for the exception mask list. Also known as RPL_EXLIST (Unreal, Ultimate) |
349 | RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST | RFC2812 | <channel> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_EXCEPTLIST list. Also known as RPL_ENDOFEXLIST (Unreal, Ultimate) |
351 | RPL_VERSION | RFC1459 | <version>[.<debuglevel>] <server> :<comments> | Reply by the server showing its version details, however this format is not often adhered to |
352 | RPL_WHOREPLY | RFC1459 | <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*]<highest-prefix> :<hopcount> <real_name> | Reply to vanilla WHO (See RFC). This format can be very different if the 'WHOX' version of the command is used (see ircu). For InspIRCd we send the highest prefix for that user and given channel if any (instead of the original @ or +). InspIRCd also will always send 0 for hopcount. |
353 | RPL_NAMREPLY | RFC1459 | [@*=] <channel> ' ' : <highest-prefix><nick> *( ' ' <highest-prefix> <nick> ) | Reply to NAMES (See RFC)(<highest-prefix> always for the next <nick>, can be empty), chanmode +s will be @, +p will be *, -sp will be = in the [@*=] channel prefix - or empty for non-rfc2811 ircds |
354 | RPL_WHOSPCRPL | ircu | Reply to WHO, however it is a 'special' reply because it is returned using a non-standard (non-RFC1459) format. The format is dictated by the command given by the user, and can vary widely. When this is used, the WHO command was invoked in its 'extended' form, as announced by the 'WHOX' ISUPPORT tag. | |
355 | RPL_NAMREPLY_ | QuakeNet | ( ' ' / '*' / '@' ) <channel> ' ' : [ '@' / '+' ] <nick> *( ' ' [ '@' / '+' ] <nick> ) | Reply to the "NAMES -d" command - used to show invisible users (when the channel is set +D, QuakeNet relative). The proper define name for this numeric is unknown at this time Also see #353. |
357 | RPL_MAP | AustHex | ||
358 | RPL_MAPMORE | AustHex | ||
359 | RPL_MAPEND | AustHex | ||
361 | RPL_KILLDONE | RFC1459 | ||
362 | RPL_CLOSING | RFC1459 | ||
363 | RPL_CLOSEEND | RFC1459 | ||
364 | RPL_LINKS | RFC1459 | <mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server_info> | Reply to the LINKS command |
365 | RPL_ENDOFLINKS | RFC1459 | <mask> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_LINKS list |
366 | RPL_ENDOFNAMES | RFC1459 | <channel> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_NAMREPLY list |
367 | RPL_BANLIST | RFC1459 | <channel> <banid> [<time_left> :<reason>] | A ban-list item (See RFC); <time left> and <reason> are additions used by KineIRCd |
368 | RPL_ENDOFBANLIST | RFC1459 | <channel> :<info> | Termination of an RPL_BANLIST list |
369 | RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS | RFC1459 | <nick> :<info> | Reply to WHOWAS - End of list |
371 | RPL_INFO | RFC1459 | :<string> | Reply to INFO |
372 | RPL_MOTD | RFC1459 | :- <string> | Reply to MOTD |
373 | RPL_INFOSTART | RFC1459 | ||
374 | RPL_ENDOFINFO | RFC1459 | :<info> | Termination of an RPL_INFO list |
375 | RPL_MOTDSTART | RFC1459 | :- <server> Message of the day - | Start of an RPL_MOTD list |
376 | RPL_ENDOFMOTD | RFC1459 | :<info> | Termination of an RPL_MOTD list |
377 | RPL_KICKEXPIRED | aircd |
{{Numericlist2|377 |RPL_SPAM |AustHex |:|Used during the connection (after MOTD) to announce the network policy on spam and privacy. Supposedly now obsoleted in favour of using NOTICE.}} {{Numericlist2|378 |RPL_BANEXPIRED |aircd ||}} {{Numericlist2|378 |RPL_WHOISHOST |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|378 |RPL_MOTD |AustHex ||Used by AustHex to 'force' the display of the MOTD, however is considered obsolete due to client/script awareness & ability to Also see #372.}} {{Numericlist2|379 |RPL_KICKLINKED |aircd ||}} {{Numericlist2|379 |RPL_WHOISMODES |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|380 |RPL_BANLINKED |aircd ||}} {{Numericlist2|380 |RPL_YOURHELPER |AustHex ||}} {{Numericlist2|381 |RPL_YOUREOPER |RFC1459 |:<info> |Successful reply from OPER}} {{Numericlist2|382 |RPL_REHASHING |RFC1459 |<config_file> :<info> |Successful reply from REHASH}} {{Numericlist2|383 |RPL_YOURESERVICE |RFC2812 |:You are service <service_name> |Sent upon successful registration of a service}} {{Numericlist2|384 |RPL_MYPORTIS |RFC1459 ||}} {{Numericlist2|385 |RPL_NOTOPERANYMORE |AustHex, Hybrid, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|386 |RPL_QLIST |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|386 |RPL_IRCOPS |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|387 |RPL_ENDOFQLIST |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|387 |RPL_ENDOFIRCOPS |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|388 |RPL_ALIST |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|389 |RPL_ENDOFALIST |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|391 |RPL_TIME |RFC1459 |<server> :<time string> |Response to the TIME command. The string format may vary greatly. Also see #679.}} {{Numericlist2|391 |RPL_TIME |ircu |<server> <timestamp> <offset> :<time string> |This extention adds the timestamp and timestamp-offet information for clients.}} {{Numericlist2|391 |RPL_TIME |bdq-ircd |<server> <timezone name> <microseconds> :<time string> |Timezone name is acronym style (eg. 'EST', 'PST' etc). The microseconds field is the number of microseconds since the UNIX epoch, however it is relative to the local timezone of the server. The timezone field is ambiguous, since it only appears to include American zones.}} {{Numericlist2|391 |RPL_TIME ||<server> <year> <month> <day> <hour> <minute> <second> |Yet another variation, including the time broken down into its components. Time is supposedly relative to UTC.}} {{Numericlist2|392 |RPL_USERSSTART |RFC1459 |:UserID Terminal Host |Start of an RPL_USERS list}} {{Numericlist2|393 |RPL_USERS |RFC1459 |:<username> <ttyline> <hostname> |Response to the USERS command (See RFC)}} {{Numericlist2|394 |RPL_ENDOFUSERS |RFC1459 |:<info> |Termination of an RPL_USERS list}} {{Numericlist2|395 |RPL_NOUSERS |RFC1459 |:<info> |Reply to USERS when nobody is logged in}} {{Numericlist2|396 |RPL_HOSTHIDDEN |Undernet ||Reply to a user when user mode +x (host masking) was set successfully}} {{Numericlist2|400 |ERR_UNKNOWNERROR ||<command> [<?>] :<info> |Sent when an error occured executing a command, but it is not specifically known why the command could not be executed.}} {{Numericlist2|401 |ERR_NOSUCHNICK |RFC1459 |<nick> :<reason> |Used to indicate the nickname parameter supplied to a command is currently unused}} {{Numericlist2|402 |ERR_NOSUCHSERVER |RFC1459 |<server> :<reason> |Used to indicate the server name given currently doesn't exist}} {{Numericlist2|403 |ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Used to indicate the given channel name is invalid, or does not exist}} {{Numericlist2|404 |ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Sent to a user who does not have the rights to send a message to a channel}} {{Numericlist2|405 |ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Sent to a user when they have joined the maximum number of allowed channels and they tried to join another channel}} {{Numericlist2|406 |ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK |RFC1459 |<nick> :<reason> |Returned by WHOWAS to indicate there was no history information for a given nickname}} {{Numericlist2|407 |ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS |RFC1459 |<target> :<reason> |The given target(s) for a command are ambiguous in that they relate to too many targets}} {{Numericlist2|408 |ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE |RFC2812 |<service_name> :<reason> |Returned to a client which is attempting to send an SQUERY (or other message) to a service which does not exist}} {{Numericlist2|408 |ERR_NOCOLORSONCHAN |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|409 |ERR_NOORIGIN |RFC1459 |:<reason> |PING or PONG message missing the originator parameter which is required since these commands must work without valid prefixes}} {{Numericlist2|411 |ERR_NORECIPIENT |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned when no recipient is given with a command}} {{Numericlist2|412 |ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned when NOTICE/PRIVMSG is used with no message given}} {{Numericlist2|413 |ERR_NOTOPLEVEL |RFC1459 |<mask> :<reason> |Used when a message is being sent to a mask without being limited to a top-level domain (i.e. * instead of *.au)}} {{Numericlist2|414 |ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL |RFC1459 |<mask> :<reason> |Used when a message is being sent to a mask with a wild-card for a top level domain (i.e. *.*)}} {{Numericlist2|415 |ERR_BADMASK |RFC2812 |<mask> :<reason> |Used when a message is being sent to a mask with an invalid syntax}} {{Numericlist2|416 |ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES |IRCnet |<command> [<mask>] :<info> |Returned when too many matches have been found for a command and the output has been truncated. An example would be the WHO command, where by the mask '*' would match everyone on the network! Ouch!}} {{Numericlist2|416 |ERR_QUERYTOOLONG |ircu ||Same as ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES}} {{Numericlist2|419 |ERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED |aircd ||}} {{Numericlist2|421 |ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND |RFC1459 |<command> :<reason> |Returned when the given command is unknown to the server (or hidden because of lack of access rights)}} {{Numericlist2|422 |ERR_NOMOTD |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Sent when there is no MOTD to send the client}} {{Numericlist2|423 |ERR_NOADMININFO |RFC1459 |<server> :<reason> |Returned by a server in response to an ADMIN request when no information is available. RFC1459 mentions this in the list of numerics. While it's not listed as a valid reply in section 4.3.7 ('Admin command'), it's confirmed to exist in the real world.}} {{Numericlist2|424 |ERR_FILEERROR |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Generic error message used to report a failed file operation during the processing of a command}} {{Numericlist2|425 |ERR_NOOPERMOTD |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|429 |ERR_TOOMANYAWAY |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|430 |ERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE |AustHex ||Returned by NICK when the user is not allowed to change their nickname due to a channel event (channel mode +E)}} {{Numericlist2|431 |ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned when a nickname parameter expected for a command isn't found}} {{Numericlist2|432 |ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME |RFC1459 |<nick> :<reason> |Returned after receiving a NICK message which contains a nickname which is considered invalid, such as it's reserved ('anonymous') or contains characters considered invalid for nicknames. This numeric is misspelt, but remains with this name for historical reasons :)}} {{Numericlist2|433 |ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE |RFC1459 |<nick> :<reason> |Returned by the NICK command when the given nickname is already in use}} {{Numericlist2|434 |ERR_SERVICENAMEINUSE |AustHex? ||}} {{Numericlist2|434 |ERR_NORULES |Unreal, Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|435 |ERR_SERVICECONFUSED |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|435 |ERR_BANONCHAN |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|436 |ERR_NICKCOLLISION |RFC1459 |<nick> :<reason> |Returned by a server to a client when it detects a nickname collision}} {{Numericlist2|437 |ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE |RFC2812 |<nick/channel/service> :<reason> |Return when the target is unable to be reached temporarily, eg. a delay mechanism in play, or a service being offline}} {{Numericlist2|437 |ERR_BANNICKCHANGE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|438 |ERR_NICKTOOFAST |ircu ||Also known as ERR_NCHANGETOOFAST (Unreal, Ultimate)}} {{Numericlist2|438 |ERR_DEAD |IRCnet ||}} {{Numericlist2|439 |ERR_TARGETTOOFAST |ircu ||Also known as many other things, RPL_INVTOOFAST, RPL_MSGTOOFAST etc}} {{Numericlist2|440 |ERR_SERVICESDOWN |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|441 |ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL |RFC1459 |<nick> <channel> :<reason> |Returned by the server to indicate that the target user of the command is not on the given channel}} {{Numericlist2|442 |ERR_NOTONCHANNEL |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned by the server whenever a client tries to perform a channel effecting command for which the client is not a member}} {{Numericlist2|443 |ERR_USERONCHANNEL |RFC1459 |<nick> <channel> [:<reason>] |Returned when a client tries to invite a user to a channel they're already on}} {{Numericlist2|444 |ERR_NOLOGIN |RFC1459 |<user> :<reason> |Returned by the SUMMON command if a given user was not logged in and could not be summoned}} {{Numericlist2|445 |ERR_SUMMONDISABLED |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by SUMMON when it has been disabled or not implemented}} {{Numericlist2|446 |ERR_USERSDISABLED |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by USERS when it has been disabled or not implemented}} {{Numericlist2|447 |ERR_NONICKCHANGE |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|449 |ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED |Undernet |Unspecified |Returned when a requested feature is not implemented (and cannot be completed)}} {{Numericlist2|451 |ERR_NOTREGISTERED |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by the server to indicate that the client must be registered before the server will allow it to be parsed in detail}} {{Numericlist2|452 |ERR_IDCOLLISION |||}} {{Numericlist2|453 |ERR_NICKLOST |||}} {{Numericlist2|455 |ERR_HOSTILENAME |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|456 |ERR_ACCEPTFULL |||}} {{Numericlist2|457 |ERR_ACCEPTEXIST |||}} {{Numericlist2|458 |ERR_ACCEPTNOT |||}} {{Numericlist2|459 |ERR_NOHIDING |Unreal ||Not allowed to become an invisible operator?}} {{Numericlist2|460 |ERR_NOTFORHALFOPS |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|461 |ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS |RFC1459 |<command> :<reason> |Returned by the server by any command which requires more parameters than the number of parameters given}} {{Numericlist2|462 |ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by the server to any link which attempts to register again}} {{Numericlist2|463 |ERR_NOPERMFORHOST |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned to a client which attempts to register with a server which has been configured to refuse connections from the client's host}} {{Numericlist2|464 |ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by the PASS command to indicate the given password was required and was either not given or was incorrect}} {{Numericlist2|465 |ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned to a client after an attempt to register on a server configured to ban connections from that client}} {{Numericlist2|466 |ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED |RFC1459 ||Sent by a server to a user to inform that access to the server will soon be denied}} {{Numericlist2|467 |ERR_KEYSET |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when the channel key for a channel has already been set}} {{Numericlist2|468 |ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|468 |ERR_ONLYSERVERSCANCHANGE |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|469 |ERR_LINKSET |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|470 |ERR_LINKCHANNEL |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|470 |ERR_KICKEDFROMCHAN |aircd ||}} {{Numericlist2|471 |ERR_CHANNELISFULL |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when attempting to join a channel which is set +l and is already full}} {{Numericlist2|472 |ERR_UNKNOWNMODE |RFC1459 |<char> :<reason> |Returned when a given mode is unknown}} {{Numericlist2|473 |ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when attempting to join a channel which is invite only without an invitation}} {{Numericlist2|474 |ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when attempting to join a channel a user is banned from}} {{Numericlist2|475 |ERR_BADCHANNELKEY |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when attempting to join a key-locked channel either without a key or with the wrong key}} {{Numericlist2|476 |ERR_BADCHANMASK |RFC2812 |<channel> :<reason> |The given channel mask was invalid}} {{Numericlist2|477 |ERR_NOCHANMODES |RFC2812 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned when attempting to set a mode on a channel which does not support channel modes, or channel mode changes. Also known as ERR_MODELESS}} {{Numericlist2|477 |ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK |Bahamut, ircu, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|478 |ERR_BANLISTFULL |RFC2812 |<channel> <char> :<reason> |Returned when a channel access list (i.e. ban list etc) is full and cannot be added to}} {{Numericlist2|479 |ERR_BADCHANNAME |Hybrid ||}} {{Numericlist2|479 |ERR_LINKFAIL |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|480 |ERR_NOULINE |AustHex ||}} {{Numericlist2|480 |ERR_CANNOTKNOCK |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|481 |ERR_NOPRIVILEGES |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by any command requiring special privileges (eg. IRC operator) to indicate the operation was unsuccessful}} {{Numericlist2|482 |ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED |RFC1459 |<channel> :<reason> |Returned by any command requiring special channel privileges (eg. channel operator) to indicate the operation was unsuccessful}} {{Numericlist2|483 |ERR_CANTKILLSERVER |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by KILL to anyone who tries to kill a server}} {{Numericlist2|484 |ERR_RESTRICTED |RFC2812 |:<reason> |Sent by the server to a user upon connection to indicate the restricted nature of the connection (i.e. usermode +r)}} {{Numericlist2|484 |ERR_ISCHANSERVICE |Undernet ||}} {{Numericlist2|484 |ERR_DESYNC |Bahamut, Hybrid, PTlink ||}} {{Numericlist2|484 |ERR_ATTACKDENY |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|485 |ERR_UNIQOPRIVSNEEDED |RFC2812 |:<reason> |Any mode requiring 'channel creator' privileges returns this error if the client is attempting to use it while not a channel creator on the given channel}} {{Numericlist2|485 |ERR_KILLDENY |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|485 |ERR_CANTKICKADMIN |PTlink ||}} {{Numericlist2|485 |ERR_ISREALSERVICE |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|486 |ERR_NONONREG |||}} {{Numericlist2|486 |ERR_HTMDISABLED |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|486 |ERR_ACCOUNTONLY |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|487 |ERR_CHANTOORECENT |IRCnet ||}} {{Numericlist2|487 |ERR_MSGSERVICES |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|488 |ERR_TSLESSCHAN |IRCnet ||}} {{Numericlist2|489 |ERR_VOICENEEDED |Undernet ||}} {{Numericlist2|489 |ERR_SECUREONLYCHAN |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|491 |ERR_NOOPERHOST |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by OPER to a client who cannot become an IRC operator because the server has been configured to disallow the client's host}} {{Numericlist2|492 |ERR_NOSERVICEHOST |RFC1459 ||}} {{Numericlist2|493 |ERR_NOFEATURE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|494 |ERR_BADFEATURE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|495 |ERR_BADLOGTYPE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|496 |ERR_BADLOGSYS |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|497 |ERR_BADLOGVALUE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|498 |ERR_ISOPERLCHAN |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|499 |ERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED |Unreal ||Works just like ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED except it indicates that owner status (+q) is needed. Also see #482.}} {{Numericlist2|501 |ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Returned by the server to indicate that a MODE message was sent with a nickname parameter and that the mode flag sent was not recognised}} {{Numericlist2|502 |ERR_USERSDONTMATCH |RFC1459 |:<reason> |Error sent to any user trying to view or change the user mode for a user other than themselves}} {{Numericlist2|503 |ERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT |Hybrid ||}} {{Numericlist2|503 |ERR_VWORLDWARN |AustHex |:<warning_text> |Warning about Virtual-World being turned off. Obsoleted in favour for RPL_MODECHANGEWARN Also see #662.}} {{Numericlist2|504 |ERR_USERNOTONSERV |||}} {{Numericlist2|511 |ERR_SILELISTFULL |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|512 |ERR_TOOMANYWATCH |Bahamut ||Also known as ERR_NOTIFYFULL (aircd), I presume they are the same}} {{Numericlist2|513 |ERR_BADPING |ircu ||Also known as ERR_NEEDPONG (Unreal/Ultimate) for use during registration, however it's not used in Unreal (and might not be used in Ultimate either).}} {{Numericlist2|514 |ERR_INVALID_ERROR |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|514 |ERR_TOOMANYDCC |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|515 |ERR_BADEXPIRE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|516 |ERR_DONTCHEAT |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|517 |ERR_DISABLED |ircu |<command> :<info/reason> |}} {{Numericlist2|518 |ERR_NOINVITE |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|518 |ERR_LONGMASK |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|519 |ERR_ADMONLY |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|519 |ERR_TOOMANYUSERS |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|520 |ERR_OPERONLY |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|520 |ERR_MASKTOOWIDE |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|520 |ERR_WHOTRUNC |AustHex ||This is considered obsolete in favour of ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES, and should no longer be used. Also see #416.}} {{Numericlist2|521 |ERR_LISTSYNTAX |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|522 |ERR_WHOSYNTAX |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|523 |ERR_WHOLIMEXCEED |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|524 |ERR_QUARANTINED |ircu ||}} {{Numericlist2|524 |ERR_OPERSPVERIFY |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|525 |ERR_REMOTEPFX |CAPAB USERCMDPFX |<nickname> :<reason> |Proposed.}} {{Numericlist2|526 |ERR_PFXUNROUTABLE |CAPAB USERCMDPFX |<nickname> :<reason> |Proposed.}} {{Numericlist2|550 |ERR_BADHOSTMASK |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|551 |ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|552 |ERR_USINGSLINE |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|553 |ERR_STATSSLINE |QuakeNet ||}} {{Numericlist2|600 |RPL_LOGON |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|601 |RPL_LOGOFF |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|602 |RPL_WATCHOFF |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|603 |RPL_WATCHSTAT |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|604 |RPL_NOWON |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|605 |RPL_NOWOFF |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|606 |RPL_WATCHLIST |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|607 |RPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST |Bahamut, Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|608 |RPL_WATCHCLEAR |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|610 |RPL_MAPMORE |Unreal ||}} {{Numericlist2|610 |RPL_ISOPER |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|611 |RPL_ISLOCOP |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|612 |RPL_ISNOTOPER |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|613 |RPL_ENDOFISOPER |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|615 |RPL_MAPMORE |PTlink ||}} {{Numericlist2|615 |RPL_WHOISMODES |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|616 |RPL_WHOISHOST |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|617 |RPL_DCCSTATUS |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|617 |RPL_WHOISBOT |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|618 |RPL_DCCLIST |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|619 |RPL_ENDOFDCCLIST |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|619 |RPL_WHOWASHOST |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|620 |RPL_DCCINFO |Bahamut ||}} {{Numericlist2|620 |RPL_RULESSTART |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|621 |RPL_RULES |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|622 |RPL_ENDOFRULES |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|623 |RPL_MAPMORE |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|624 |RPL_OMOTDSTART |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|625 |RPL_OMOTD |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|626 |RPL_ENDOFO|Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|630 |RPL_SETTINGS |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|631 |RPL_ENDOFSETTINGS |Ultimate ||}} {{Numericlist2|640 |RPL_DUMPING |Unreal ||Never actually used by Unreal - was defined however the feature that would have used this numeric was never created.}} {{Numericlist2|641 |RPL_DUMPRPL |Unreal ||Never actually used by Unreal - was defined however the feature that would have used this numeric was never created.}} {{Numericlist2|642 |RPL_EODUMP |Unreal ||Never actually used by Unreal - was defined however the feature that would have used this numeric was never created.}} {{Numericlist2|660 |RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP |KineIRCd |<target> <hop#> [<address> [<hostname> | '*'] <usec_ping>] |Returned from the TRACEROUTE IRC-Op command when tracerouting a host}} {{Numericlist2|661 |RPL_TRACEROUTE_START |KineIRCd |<target> <target_FQDN> <target_address> <max_hops> |Start of an RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP list}} {{Numericlist2|662 |RPL_MODECHANGEWARN |KineIRCd |['+' | '-']<mode_char> :<warning> |Plain text warning to the user about turning on or off a user mode. If no '+' or '-' prefix is used for the mode char, '+' is presumed.}} {{Numericlist2|663 |RPL_CHANREDIR |KineIRCd |<old_chan> <new_chan> :<info> |Used to notify the client upon JOIN that they are joining a different channel than expected because the IRC Daemon has been set up to map the channel they attempted to join to the channel they eventually will join.}} {{Numericlist2|664 |RPL_SERVMODEIS |KineIRCd |<server> <modes> <parameters>.. |Reply to MODE <servername>. KineIRCd supports server modes to simplify configuration of servers; Similar to RPL_CHANNELMODEIS}} {{Numericlist2|665 |RPL_OTHERUMODEIS |KineIRCd |<nickname> <modes> |Reply to MODE <nickname> to return the user-modes of another user to help troubleshoot connections, etc. Similar to RPL_UMODEIS, however including the target}} {{Numericlist2|666 |RPL_ENDOF_GENERIC |KineIRCd |<command> [<parameter> ...] :<info> |Generic response for new lists to save numerics.}} {{Numericlist2|670 |RPL_WHOWASDETAILS |KineIRCd |<nick> <type> :<information> |Returned by WHOWAS to return extended information (if available). The type field is a number indication what kind of information.}} {{Numericlist2|671 |RPL_WHOISSECURE |KineIRCd |<nick> <type> [:<info>] |Reply to WHOIS command - Returned if the target is connected securely, eg. type may be TLSv1, or SSLv2 etc. If the type is unknown, a '*' may be used.}} {{Numericlist2|672 |RPL_UNKNOWNMODES |Ithildin |<modes> :<info> |Returns a full list of modes that are unknown when a client issues a MODE command (rather than one numeric per mode)}} {{Numericlist2|673 |RPL_CANNOTSETMODES |Ithildin |<modes> :<info> |Returns a full list of modes that cannot be set when a client issues a MODE command}} {{Numericlist2|678 |RPL_LUSERSTAFF |KineIRCd |<staff_online_count> :<info> |Reply to LUSERS command - Number of network staff (or 'helpers') online (differs from Local/Global operators). Similar format to RPL_LUSEROP}} {{Numericlist2|679 |RPL_TIMEONSERVERIS |KineIRCd |<seconds> [<nanoseconds> | '0'] <timezone> <flags> :<info> |Optionally sent upon connection, and/or sent as a reply to the TIME command. This returns the time on the server in a uniform manner. The seconds (and optionally nanoseconds) is the time since the UNIX Epoch, and is used since many existing timestamps in the IRC-2 protocol are done this way (i.e. ban lists). The timezone is hours and minutes each of Greenwich ('[+/-]HHMM'). Since all timestamps sent from the server are in a similar format, this numeric is designed to give clients the ability to provide accurate timestamps to their users.}} {{Numericlist2|682 |RPL_NETWORKS |KineIRCd |<name> <through_name> <hops> :<info> |A reply to the NETWORKS command when requesting a list of known networks (within the IIRC domain).}} {{Numericlist2|687 |RPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS |KineIRCd |<nowiki><code(s)></nowiki> :<info> |Reply to the LANGUAGE command, informing the client of the language(s) it has set}} {{Numericlist2|688 |RPL_LANGUAGE |KineIRCd |<nowiki><code></nowiki> <revision> <maintainer> <flags> * :<info> |A language reply to LANGUAGE when requesting a list of known languages}} {{Numericlist2|689 |RPL_WHOISSTAFF |KineIRCd |:<info> |The user is a staff member. The information may explain the user's job role, or simply state that they are a part of the network staff. Staff members are not IRC operators, but rather people who have special access in association with network services. KineIRCd uses this numeric instead of the existing numerics due to the overwhelming number of conflicts.}} {{Numericlist2|690 |RPL_WHOISLANGUAGE |KineIRCd |<nick> <language codes> |Reply to WHOIS command - A list of languages someone can speak. The language codes are comma delimitered.}} {{Numericlist2|702 |RPL_MODLIST |RatBox |<?> 0x<?> <?> <?> |Output from the MODLIST command}} {{Numericlist2|703 |RPL_ENDOFMODLIST |RatBox |:<text> |Terminates MODLIST output}} {{Numericlist2|704 |RPL_HELPSTART |RatBox |<command> :<text> |Start of HELP command output}} {{Numericlist2|705 |RPL_HELPTXT |RatBox |<command> :<text> |Output from HELP command}} {{Numericlist2|706 |RPL_ENDOFHELP |RatBox |<command> :<text> |End of HELP command output}} {{Numericlist2|708 |RPL_ETRACEFULL |RatBox |<?> <?> <?> <?> <?> <?> <?> :<?> |Output from 'extended' trace}} {{Numericlist2|709 |RPL_ETRACE |RatBox |<?> <?> <?> <?> <?> <?> :<?> |Output from 'extended' trace}} {{Numericlist2|710 |RPL_KNOCK |RatBox |<channel> <nick>!<user>@<host> :<text> |Message delivered using KNOCK command}} {{Numericlist2|711 |RPL_KNOCKDLVR |RatBox |<channel> :<text> |Message returned from using KNOCK command}} {{Numericlist2|712 |ERR_TOOMANYKNOCK |RatBox |<channel> :<text> |Message returned when too many KNOCKs for a channel have been sent by a user}} {{Numericlist2|713 |ERR_CHANOPEN |RatBox |<channel> :<text> |Message returned from KNOCK when the channel can be freely joined by the user}} {{Numericlist2|714 |ERR_KNOCKONCHAN |RatBox |<channel> :<text> |Message returned from KNOCK when the user has used KNOCK on a channel they have already joined}} {{Numericlist2|715 |ERR_KNOCKDISABLED |RatBox |:<text> |Returned from KNOCK when the command has been disabled}} {{Numericlist2|716 |RPL_TARGUMODEG |RatBox |<nick> :<info> |Sent to indicate the given target is set +g (server-side ignore)}} {{Numericlist2|717 |RPL_TARGNOTIFY |RatBox |<nick> :<info> |Sent following a PRIVMSG/NOTICE to indicate the target has been notified of an attempt to talk to them while they are set +g}} {{Numericlist2|718 |RPL_UMODEGMSG |RatBox |<nick> <user>@<host> :<info> |Sent to a user who is +g to inform them that someone has attempted to talk to them (via PRIVMSG/NOTICE), and that they will need to be accepted (via the ACCEPT command) before being able to talk to them}} {{Numericlist2|720 |RPL_OMOTDSTART |RatBox |:<text> |IRC Operator MOTD header, sent upon OPER command}} {{Numericlist2|721 |RPL_OMOTD |RatBox |:<text> |IRC Operator MOTD text (repeated, usually)}} {{Numericlist2|722 |RPL_ENDOFOMOTD |RatBox |:<text> |IRC operator MOTD footer}} {{Numericlist2|723 |ERR_NOPRIVS |RatBox |<command> :<text> |Returned from an oper command when the IRC operator does not have the relevant operator privileges.}} {{Numericlist2|724 |RPL_TESTMARK |RatBox |<nick>!<user>@<host> <?> <?> :<text> |Reply from an oper command reporting how many users match a given user@host mask}} {{Numericlist2|725 |RPL_TESTLINE |RatBox |<?> <?> <?> :<?> |Reply from an oper command reporting relevant I/K lines that will match a given user@host}} {{Numericlist2|726 |RPL_NOTESTLINE |RatBox |<?> :<text> |Reply from oper command reporting no I/K lines match the given user@host}} {{Numericlist2|771 |RPL_XINFO |Ithildin ||Used to send 'eXtended info' to the client, a replacement for the STATS command to send a large variety of data and minimise numeric pollution.}} {{Numericlist2|773 |RPL_XINFOSTART |Ithildin ||Start of an RPL_XINFO list}} {{Numericlist2|774 |RPL_XINFOEND |Ithildin ||Termination of an RPL_XINFO list}} {{Numericlist2|972 |ERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND |Unreal ||Works similarly to all of KineIRCd's CANNOT* numerics. This one indicates that a command could not be performed for an arbitrary reason. For example, a halfop trying to kick an op.}} {{Numericlist2|973 |ERR_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE |KineIRCd |<mode_char> :<reason> |Reply to MODE when a user cannot change a user mode}} {{Numericlist2|974 |ERR_CANNOTCHANGECHANMODE |KineIRCd |<mode_char> :<reason> |Reply to MODE when a user cannot change a channel mode}} {{Numericlist2|975 |ERR_CANNOTCHANGESERVERMODE |KineIRCd |<mode_char> :<reason> |Reply to MODE when a user cannot change a server mode}} {{Numericlist2|976 |ERR_CANNOTSENDTONICK |KineIRCd |<nick> :<reason> |Returned from NOTICE, PRIVMSG or other commands to notify the user that they cannot send a message to a particular client. Similar to ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN. KineIRCd uses this in conjunction with user-mode +R to allow users to block people who are not identified to services (spam avoidance)}} {{Numericlist2|977 |ERR_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE |KineIRCd |<modechar> :<info> |Returned by MODE to inform the client they used an unknown server mode character.}} {{Numericlist2|979 |ERR_SERVERMODELOCK |KineIRCd |<target> :<info> |Returned by MODE to inform the client the server has been set mode +L by an administrator to stop server modes being changed}} {{Numericlist2|980 |ERR_BADCHARENCODING |KineIRCd |<command> <charset> :<info> |Returned by any command which may have had the given data modified because one or more glyphs were incorrectly encoded in the current charset (given). Such a use would be where an invalid UTF-8 sequence was given which may be considered insecure, or defines a character which is invalid within that context. For safety reasons, the invalid character is not returned to the client.}} {{Numericlist2|981 |ERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES |KineIRCd |<max_langs> :<info> |Returned by the LANGUAGE command to tell the client they cannot set as many languages as they have requested. To assist the client, the maximum languages which can be set at one time is given, and the language settings are not changed.}} {{Numericlist2|982 |ERR_NOLANGUAGE |KineIRCd |<language_code> :<info> |Returned by the LANGUAGE command to tell the client it has specified an unknown language code.}} {{Numericlist2|983 |ERR_TEXTTOOSHORT |KineIRCd |<command> :<info> |Returned by any command requiring text (such as a message or a reason), which was not long enough to be considered valid. This was created initially to combat '/wallops foo' abuse, but is also used by DIE and RESTART commands to attempt to encourage meaningful reasons.}} {{Numericlist2|999 |ERR_NUMERIC_ERR |Bahamut ||Also known as ERR_NUMERICERR (Unreal)}} |} [[Category:Technical]] |