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Staff:Reference Guide

This is a brief FAQ designed for DareNET support staff.

1. What is the maximum number of users a person can add to a ChanServ userlist?


2. How should we request removal of OperServ from a channel due to join flood?

Simply contact any IRC operator.

3. How long is the g-line for exceeding the number of connections allowed per IP?

1 hour.

4. How long is the gag/services ignore when a user fails several attempts to auth?

30 minutes.

5. If a channel owner wants to give ownership of a channel to another user but can't do so because the channel is new, what should he do?

He should wait out the 24 hour period.

6. What should you do if you want an epithet when you type !a e.g -ChanServ- Lucario is lost in thought (support agent).

Contact any support manager to get one.

7. Who can see other helpers' stats?

Only trainers and higher.

8. What does ?block mean?

If a duration is not specified, it is an one hour g-line.

9. How long do you need to leave a channel in order for a !setinfo to work?

30 seconds.

10. What is #staff?

It is a staff channel for network helpers and above.

11. How do we check for the duration of a g-line manually?

/gline *@IP
//echo $asctime(thelongnumberwhichyouget)

12. What are the commands which +H can do and +h can't?

/ns rename, /ns oset email|password, /ns ounregister, /ns oregister, /ns delnote, /cs search, /cs merge and using ChanServ commands on +i/k/s channels or channel where you lack access.

13. How can you see everyone's weekstart?

/helpserv helpers

14. How long does it take for a cookie to expire?

24 hours

15. What is the minimum access level needed to set normal ChanServ notes?

200 for some and the !set setters level (400 by default) for other notes.

16. How do we see the banlist from outside the channel if we have no access?

/mode #channel +b

17. What is the maximum number of channels a user can join?

50 channels.

18. What is the maximum amount of bans in a banlist?

100. (If you use !addban when the ban list is full, the ban will be added to !blist but it won't be triggered unless another ban is removed.)

19. What is the maximum length of a nickname?

30 characters.

20. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a channel topic or kick message?

250 characters.

21. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in an away message?

250 characters.

22. What should you use to check an IP for allowauth if it doesn't resolve via /dns?


23. How do you find out a channel's creation date?

Type /mode #channelname. It is not necessarily the same as the date the channel is registered on.

You will get something like this in your status window:

"#channelname created on Tue Oct 02 10:49:58 2007"