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DareNET Server Configuration

The initial configuration for a DareNET server is fairly basic. To start, you will only need to include the following lines in your ircd.conf: M,A,Y,I,C,Dd,Oo,P

The remaining lines are automatically configured, added and updated via our linesync program from a central site, which is maintained by our Routing Team. Below is an example of an initial configuration file for DareNET.

<geshi lang=C lines=LINES>

  1. [M:line]
  2. Basic information about your server.
  3. NOTE: Numerics are assigned by the Routing Team.
  4. M:<server name>:<ip address>:<description>::<numeric>

M:name.area.zone.darenet.org: Client Server::15

  1. [A:line]
  2. Information shown when someones does a /ADMIN for the server
  3. A:<line 1>:<line 2>:<line 3>

A:Admin - JoeAdmin:Email - joeadmin[at]darenet.org:Thanks for choosing DareNET!

  1. [Y:lines]
  2. Connection classes (both clients and servers)
  3. Y:<class>:<ping freq>:<connect freq>:<maximum links>:<sendq size>

Y:90:90:300:1:9000000 Y:80:90:300:0:9000000 Y:10:90:0:100:160000 Y:1:90:0:400:160000

  1. [I:lines]
  2. invite / authorization lines
  3. I:<IP mask or crap to force resolving>:<opt passwd>:<hostmask>::<class>


  1. [C:lines]
  2. Connection lines

C:<remote hostname or IP>:<password>:<remote server name>:<port>:<class>


  1. [D:lines]
  2. Real-time rule-based routing decision making system
  3. D:<server mask that ircd will refuse to connect to>::<rule>
  4. d:<server mask that ircd will not autoconnect to>::<rule>


  1. [O:lines]
  2. IRC Operators
  3. O:<host/IP mask>:<encrypted password>:<Nick>:<flags>:<connection class>
  4. o:<host/IP mask>:<encrypted password>:<Nick>:<flags>:<connection class>

O:*@*.cs.vu.nl:VRKLKuGKn0jLs:Niels:A:10 o:*@*.uu.net:noncryptedpass:Braden::10

  1. [P:lines]
  2. Ports
  3. P:<hostmask>:<interface>:<[CES][H]>:<port number>

P:::C:6660 P:::C:6661 P:::C:6662 P:::C:6663 P:::C:6664 P:::C:6665 P:192.168.*::C:6666 P:::C:6667 P:::C:6668 P:::C:6669 P:::CE:6697 P:::C:7000 P:::SH:7325 P:::CE:9999 </geshi>

Cron Jobs

The following cronjobs will be installed by our Routing Team:


linesync updates your server configuration twice (2x) a day with the latest k:lines, q:lines, b:lines, u:lines, features, etc. It is required. You'll receive it from us when your testlink is approved.

0 */12 * * * /home/user/ircd/linesync.sh /home/user/ircd/ircd.conf /home/user/ircd/ircd.pid


This gem checks if the irc server is running, and if it isn't, attempts to start it up. This should help keep the ircd up after reboots, or in the case of a server crash. This script is included in the ircd tarball you'll receive once your testlink is approved.

*/5 * * * * /home/user/chkircd.sh