Login On Connect
The Login-on-Connect (LOC) feature allows you to pre-login while connecting to DareNET. Using Login-on-Connect bypasses you from RBL scans and hides your hostname before anyone can see your real IP address. We recommend everyone give it a try.
To use Login-on-Connect, you must first have an DareNET NickServ Account. Register for one here if you don't already have one.
Login-on-connect uses the “server password” feature built into most IRC clients. All you do is put your specially formatted login information into the server password box like this:
/username/password (slash, your username, slash, your password)for example, my username is NiTeMaRe, and if my pasword was mysecretpass I would put the following into my password box:
When you connect to DareNET using the new password, you should see a message like the following:
'*** Attempting service login to NickServ
Client Specific Instructions:
Detailed instructions for mIRC users. Detailed instructions for XChat users.
Troubleshooting Make sure you can login the normal way to NickServ: /ns auth username password If you get a message about /QUOTE PASS that means your username, or password is wrong, or maybe NickServ is down? Some people reported having to close mIRC and re-open it before LOC started working. You must have a *@* host (default) set in NickServ since LOC does not know your hostname. The 'server group' must be the string “DareNET” exactly. mIRC wont send the password if the name doesn't match what the server announces itself as. Try typing the password string into notepad so you can see it. Then paste it into the password box.