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Deletion log

Below is a list of the most recent deletions.

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  • 00:19, 30 December 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Charter" ‎ (Author request: content was: '{{content | text = This article has been replaced by smaller policy documents, contained here.}} {{Historical}} == Introduction == The Charter acts as a repository of the rules and procedures for the net)
  • 00:17, 30 December 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "530 West 6th" ‎ (Author request: content was: 'Some pictures of 530 West 6th St, Los Angeles, CA. Image:530west6th.jpg Image:La530w6th.JPG' (and the only contributor was 'Secretagent'))
  • 04:32, 28 December 2009 Neronix (Talk | contribs) deleted "Organization" ‎ (Old, very old.)
  • 02:27, 28 December 2009 Neronix (Talk | contribs) deleted "Proposed Organization/CSA" ‎ (content was: '== What does CSA stand for? ==CSA stands for Community Standards Advisor. These individuals are responsible for assisting staff and users with matte...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 13:36, 10 September 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Why DareNET" ‎ (content was: ''''''"Daring to be different."'''''DareNET is not your typical IRC network. So what exactly does make us different than 4000 other networks? Two thi...')
  • 13:35, 10 September 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Why we do it" ‎ (content was: 'When DareNET was founded we weren't just a bunch of nerds who liked running IRC servers; although, some could argue that was part of it. We believed t...')
  • 13:35, 10 September 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) restored "Why we do it" ‎ (7 revision(s) restored)
  • 13:35, 10 September 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Why we do it" ‎ (content was: 'When DareNET was founded we weren't just a bunch of nerds who liked running IRC servers; although, some could argue that was part of it. We believed t...')
  • 13:55, 25 August 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Banner1.png" ‎
  • 11:26, 11 April 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Operator Manual" ‎ (content was: 'Work in progress...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 09:31, 9 April 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Staff User Pages" ‎ (content was: '{| class="wikitable" width="97%" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: left;"|- ! style="text-align: left" | Account Name! style="text-align: left" | ...')
  • 09:31, 9 April 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) restored "Staff User Pages" ‎ (14 revision(s) restored)
  • 09:30, 9 April 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Staff User Pages" ‎ (content was: '{| class="wikitable" width="97%" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: left;"|- ! style="text-align: left" | Account Name! style="text-align: left" | ...')
  • 09:35, 21 February 2009 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "DareNET Wiki:Naming conventions" ‎ (content was: 'Naming conventions are a list of guidelines on how to appropriately create and name pages. It is important to note that these are conventions, not rul...')
  • 04:28, 29 September 2008 Excalibur (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Sparkle.jpg" ‎ (Could not rename file "public/4/47/Sparkle.jpg" to "public/archive/4/47/20080929042802!Sparkle.jpg". )
  • 00:40, 28 September 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Development Team/services-darenet/sampe config" ‎ (content was: '#REDIRECT Development Team/services-darenet/sample config' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 02:15, 10 September 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:NiTeMaRe.jpg" ‎ (need to make smaller)
  • 08:20, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "nix.uk.eu.chatx.net" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 08:20, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "inspircd/" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 08:20, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Testlink" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 08:15, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "EB" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 08:15, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Coolchat" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 08:15, 23 July 2008 Admin (Talk | contribs) deleted "Charter 3" ‎ (Marked for deletion)
  • 17:46, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "NickServ Old" ‎ (content was: 'This document has been written for new users (newbies) to familiarize themselves with NickServ commands on ChatX. Should you encounter any difficultie...')
  • 17:44, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services" ‎ (content was: 'Image:Promo-hi.pngChatX's IRC Services were created to provide a better chatting enviroment for its users. They allow you to register your nick...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:44, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/S" ‎ (content was: 'Under Construction. For now, please type ''!help'' in a channel S resides in to see a listing of commands.(Go Back)' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:43, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ" ‎ (content was: 'MemoServ is a utility allowing IRC users to send short messages to other IRC users, regardless if they are online at the time or not. Both the sender ...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:43, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/read" ‎ (content was: 'When you receive a new memo, MemoServ will send you a notice notifying you that you have a new memo waiting to be read. If you aren't online or logged...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:43, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/forward" ‎ (content was: 'MemoServ's '''FORWARD''' command allows you to forward a specific memo from your account to another user. This could be useful for a variety of differ...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:43, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/delete" ‎ (content was: 'Your inbox can only hold 50 memos, so you'll want to delete unwanted memos to ensure you can continue receiving new ones. Once it is deleted, it canno...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:43, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/list" ‎ (content was: ''''LIST''' allows you to view a listing of all memos currently in the inbox for your account.'''Syntax:''' LISTSo, for example: /MemoServ LIS...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:42, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/ignore" ‎ (content was: ''''IGNORE''' allows you to block receiving memos from users you specify. Possible reasons for using this feature may include inbox spamming, annoying ...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:42, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/sendops" ‎ (content was: ''''SENDOPS''' allows you to send a memo to all channel operators on a registered channel. Only users who can view a channel's access list can use this...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:42, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/send" ‎ (content was: ''''SEND''' allows You to send memos to other users provided their nickname registered, you're not on their MemoServ ignore list, and their NOMEMO opti...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:42, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/MemoServ/help" ‎ (content was: ''''HELP''' displays usage information on all MemoServ commands.'''Syntax:''' HELP <command> [parameters]<pre>Examples: /MemoServ HELP SEND ...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:41, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ" ‎ (content was: 'ChanServ gives users the ability to maintain control of a channel, without the need of a bot. Channel takeovers are virtually impossible when a channe...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:41, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/topicappend" ‎ (content was: 'The '''TOPICAPPEND''' command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.'''Syntax:''' TOPICAPPEND <#channel> <topic>So, for example, if #C...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:41, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/topic" ‎ (content was: 'The '''TOPIC''' command allows for the changing of a topic on a channel.'''Syntax:''' TOPIC <#channel> <topic><pre>Example: /ChanServ TOPIC ...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:40, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/status" ‎ (content was: ''''STATUS''' returns details about your current state, such as information regarding your nickname (e.g. logged in or not). IRC operators will see add...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:40, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/deop" ‎ (content was: 'The '''DEOP''' command removes channel operator status (-o) from a user on the specified channel. They will be notified that you did it. If you omit t...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:40, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/op" ‎ (content was: 'The '''OP''' command grants channel operator status (+o) to a user on the specified channel. They will be notified that you did it. If you omit the ni...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:40, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/kickban" ‎ (content was: 'The '''KICKBAN''' command allows for the removal of a user from a channel while also placing a ban on the user. Any matching ban exceptions will be re...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:39, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/kick" ‎ (content was: 'The '''KICK''' command allows for the removal of a user from a channel; however, keep in mind the user can immediately rejoin. Additionally, your nick...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:39, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/info" ‎ (content was: 'The '''INFO''' commands displays channel information, such as the registration time, settings, attached URL, and other details.'''Syntax:''' INFO <...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:39, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/userinfo" ‎ (content was: 'The '''USERINFO''' command allows the info lines to be shown to the channel when a user joins, similar to eggdrop's info lines.When only the channel...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:39, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/help" ‎ (content was: ''''HELP''' displays help information on all ChanServ commands.'''Syntax:''' HELP <command> [parameters]<pre>Examples: /ChanServ HELP REGIST...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:38, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/dehalfop" ‎ (content was: 'The '''DEHALFOP''' command removes halfop status (-h) from a user on the specified channel. They will be notified that you did it. If the nickname par...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:38, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/halfop" ‎ (content was: 'The '''HALFOP''' command grants halfop status (+h) to a user on the specified channel. They will be notified that you did it. If you omit the nickname...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:37, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/forcexop" ‎ (content was: ''''FORCEXOP''' resets all channel access levels to xOP compatible values. That is, after the operation, the founder(s) will have all permissions and a...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
  • 17:37, 21 July 2008 Nitemare (Talk | contribs) deleted "services/ChanServ/template" ‎ (content was: 'The '''TEMPLATE''' command allows you to define a set of definitions for flags (e.g. deciding exactly what access AOPs are giveb, etc), simplyfying th...' (and the only contributor was 'Admin'))
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