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Development Team/services-darenet/sample config

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(New page: Sample configuration file. This is only provided here for quick reference, and does not necessairly contain all options or any default values as used by DareNET. <pre> /******************...)
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Revision as of 03:55, 27 September 2008

Sample configuration file. This is only provided here for quick reference, and does not necessairly contain all options or any default values as used by DareNET.

 * services-darenet example configuration file.
 * This file allows two kinds of comments. Whitespaces between tokens are
 * ignored. All strings (even if they're just numbers) MUST be enclosed in
 * double quotes. There must be a semicolon after every key/value pair.


"uplinks" {
  "Primary-Hub" {
     "address"          "";
     "port"             "8888";
     "password"         "laoo,rpe";
     "their_password"   "laoo,rpe";
     "enable"           "1";
     "max_tries"        "10";
     "bind_address"     "";

  "Hub-West" {
     "address"          "";
     "port"             "8888";
     "password"         "ekrpat";
     "their_password"   "ekrpat";
     "enable"           "0";
     "max_tries"        "1";
     "bind_address"     "";


"server" {
  "hostname"            "services.darenet.org";
  "description"         "DareNET Network Services";
  "network"             "DareNET";
  "hidden_host"         "user.darenet";
  "hidden_host_type"    "1";
  "key1"                "45432";
  "key2"                "76934";
  "key3"                "98336";
  "prefix"              "DareNET";
  "numeric"             "1";
  "type"                "7";
  "host_in_topic"       "1";
  "max_users"           "256";
  "force_n2k"           "1";
  "ping_freq"           "60";
  "ping_timeout"        "90";
  "max_cycles"          "30";
  "admin" (
     "DareNET IRC Network",
     "Support <support@darenet.org"

  "extended_accounts"   "1";
  "his_servercomment"   "*.darenet.org";


"services" {

  "nickserv" {
     "nick"                              "NickServ";
     "default_hostmask"                  "1";
     "warn_clone_auth"                   "1";
     "default_maxlogins"                 "3";
     "hard_maxlogins"                    "5";
     "dict_file"                         "/usr/share/dict/words";
     "password_min_length"               "4";
     "password_min_digits"               "0";
     "password_min_upper"                "0";
     "password_min_lower"                "0";