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Web Development

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{{Header|1 = <h2>'''[[Development Team|DareNET Development Wiki]]''' - {{FULLPAGENAME}}</h2>}}
{{Header|1 = <h2>'''[[Development Team|DareNET Development Wiki]]''' - {{FULLPAGENAME}}</h2>}}
This document outlines technical and style guidelines which are followed in website-darenet. Contributors should also follow these guidelines.
This document contains practices and guidelines which apply across languages. Contributors should follow these guidelines. These guidelines are not hard-and-fast but should be followed unless there is a compelling reason to deviate from them.
==Spaces, Linebreaks and Identation==
==Code Complexity==
* Use one tab for each level of indentation.
* Prefer to write simple code which is easy to understand. The simplest code is not necessarily the smallest, and some changes which make code larger (such as decomposing complex expressions and choosing more descriptive names) may also make it simpler.
* Use Unix linebreaks ("\n"), not MSDOS ("\r\n") or OS9 ("\r").
* Be willing to make size tradeoffs in favor of simplicity.
* Use K&R style braces and spacing.
* Prefer simple methods and functions which take a small number of parameters. Avoid methods and functions which are long and complex, or take an innumerable host of parameters. When possible, decompose monolithic, complex methods into several focused, simpler ones.
* Put a space after control keywords like if and for.
* Put a space after commas in argument lists.
* Put a space around operators like =, <, etc.
* Don't put spaces after function names.
* Parentheses should hug their contents.
* Generally, prefer to wrap code at 80 columns.
==Case and Capitalization==
Avoid putting many ideas on a single line of code.
* Name variables and functions using lowercase_with_underscores.
* Name classes using UpperCamelCase.
* Name methods and properties using lowerCamelCase.
* Use uppercase for common acronyms like ID and HTML.
* Name constants using UPPERCASE.
* Write true, false and null in lowercase.
For example, avoid this kind of code:
* Do not use "#" (shell-style) comments.
* Prefer "//" comments inside function and method bodies.
==PHP Language Style==
<pre>$category_map = array_combine(
* Use "<?php", not the "<?" short form. Omit the closing "?>" tag.
* Prefer casts like (string) to casting functions like strval().
  array_map(create_function('$z', 'return date("F Y", $z);'), $dates));</pre>
* Prefer type checks like $v === null to type functions like is_null().
* Avoid all crazy alternate forms of language constructs like "endwhile" and "<>" (acceptable in templates).
* Always put braces around conditional and loop blocks.
==PHP Language Features==
Expressing this complex transformation more simply produces more readable code:
* Use PHP as a programming language, not a templating language.
* Avoid globals.
* Avoid extract().
* Avoid eval().
* Avoid variable variables.
* Prefer classes over functions.
* Prefer class constants over defines.
* Avoid naked class properties; instead, define accessors.
* Use exceptions for error conditions.
<php>$category_map = array();
foreach ($dates as $date) {
   $category_map[$date] = date('F Y', $date);
<php>if ($some_variable > 3) {
   // ...
} else if ($some_variable === null) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...
You should always put braces around the body of an if clause, even if it is only one line long. Note spaces around operators and after control statements. Do not use the "endif" construct, and write "else if" as two words.
And, obviously, don't do this sort of thing:
<php>for ($ii = 0; $ii < 10; $ii++) {
<pre>if ($val = $some->complicatedConstruct() && !!~blarg_blarg_blarg() & $flags
  // ...
      ? HOPE_YOU_MEMORIZED == $all_the_lexical_binding_powers : <<<'Q'
Prefer $ii, $jj, $kk, etc., as iterators, since they're easier to pick out visually and react better to "Find Next..." in editors.
* Prefer to write efficient code.
* Strongly prefer to drive optimization decisions with hard data. Avoid optimizing based on intuition or rumor if you can not support it with concrete measurements.
* Prefer to optimize code which is slow and runs often. Optimizing code which is fast and runs rarely is usually a waste of time, and can even be harmful if it makes that code more difficult to understand or maintain. You can determine if code is fast or slow by measuring it.
* Reject performance discussions that aren't rooted in concrete data.
<php>foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
==Naming Things==
  // ...
* Follow language-specific conventions.
* Name things unambiguously.
* Choose descriptive names.
* Avoid nonstandard abbreviations (common abbreviations like ID, URI and HTTP are fine).
* Spell words correctly.
* Use correct grammar.
For example, avoid these sorts of naming choices:
<php>switch ($value) {
<pre>$PIE->GET_FLAVOR();      //  Unconventional.
  case 1:
$thing->doStuff();        // Ambiguous.
    // ...
$list->empty();           //  Ambiguous -- is it isEmpty() or makeEmpty()?
$e = 3;                  //  Not descriptive.
  case 2:
$this->updtHndlr();       // Nonstandard abbreviation.
    if ($flag) {
$this->chackSpulls();    // Misspelling, ungrammatical.</pre>
       // ...
     // ...
break statements should be indented to block level.
===array literals:===
Prefer these:
<php>$junk = array(
<php>$pie->getFlavor();        //  Conventional.
$pie->bake();            //  Unambiguous.
$list->isEmpty();        //  Unambiguous.
$list->makeEmpty();      //  Unambiguous.
$edge_count = 3;          //  Descriptive.
Use a trailing comma and put the closing parenthesis on a separate line so that diffs which add elements to the array affect only one line.
$this->updateHandler();   //  No nonstandard abbreviations.
$this->getID();          //  Standard abbreviation.
$this->checkSpelling();  //  Correct spelling and grammar.</php>
==Error Handling==
* Strongly prefer to detect errors.
* Strongly prefer to fail fast and loudly. The maximum cost of script termination is known, bounded, and fairly small. The maximum cost of continuing script execution when errors have occurred is unknown and unbounded. This also makes APIs much easier to use and problems far easier to debug.
<php>$a + $b;                // Put spaces around operators.
When you ignore errors, defer error handling, or degrade the severity of errors by treating them as warnings and then dismissing them, you risk dangerous behavior which may be difficult to troubleshoot:
$omg.$lol;              // Exception: no spaces around string concatenation.
$arr[] = $element;      // Couple [] with the array when appending.
$obj = new Thing();    // Always use parens.</php>
===function/method calls:===
<pre>exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak');                //  Bad!
<php>// One line
exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak', $out, $err);    // Also bad!
if ($err) {
  debug_rlog("Unable to copy file!");
// Multiline
Instead, fail loudly:
===function/method definitions:===
<php>exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak', $out, $err);    //  Better
if ($err) {
<php>function example_function($base_value, $additional_value) {
   throw new Exception("Unable to copy file!");
   return $base_value + $additional_value;
class C {
But the best approach is to use or write an API which simplifies condition handling and makes it easier to get right than wrong:
  public static function promulgateConflagrationInstance(
    IFuel $fuel,
    IgnitionSource $source) {
    // ...
<php>execx('echo %s > file.bak', $data);              //  Good
<php>class Dog extends Animal {
Filesystem::writeFile('file.bak', $data);        //  Best
==Documentation, Comments and Formatting==
* Prefer to remove code by deleting it over removing it by commenting it out. It shall live forever in source control, and can be retrieved therefrom if it is ever again called upon.
* In source code, use only ASCII printable characters plus space and linefeed. Do not use UTF-8 or other multibyte encodings.
  private $favoriteFood = 'dirt';
== See Also ==
  public function getFavoriteFood() {
* [[Web Development/PHP Coding Standards|PHP Coding Standards]]
    return $this->favoriteFood;
* [[Web Development/Javascript Coding Standards|Javascript Coding Standards]]

Current revision as of 19:10, 28 July 2011

In This Guide:

DareNET Development Wiki - Web Development

This document contains practices and guidelines which apply across languages. Contributors should follow these guidelines. These guidelines are not hard-and-fast but should be followed unless there is a compelling reason to deviate from them.

Code Complexity

  • Prefer to write simple code which is easy to understand. The simplest code is not necessarily the smallest, and some changes which make code larger (such as decomposing complex expressions and choosing more descriptive names) may also make it simpler.
  • Be willing to make size tradeoffs in favor of simplicity.
  • Prefer simple methods and functions which take a small number of parameters. Avoid methods and functions which are long and complex, or take an innumerable host of parameters. When possible, decompose monolithic, complex methods into several focused, simpler ones.

Avoid putting many ideas on a single line of code.

For example, avoid this kind of code:

$category_map = array_combine(
  array_map(create_function('$z', 'return date("F Y", $z);'), $dates));

Expressing this complex transformation more simply produces more readable code:

$category_map = array();
foreach ($dates as $date) {
  $category_map[$date] = date('F Y', $date);

And, obviously, don't do this sort of thing:

if ($val = $some->complicatedConstruct() && !!~blarg_blarg_blarg() & $flags
      ? HOPE_YOU_MEMORIZED == $all_the_lexical_binding_powers : <<<'Q'


  • Prefer to write efficient code.
  • Strongly prefer to drive optimization decisions with hard data. Avoid optimizing based on intuition or rumor if you can not support it with concrete measurements.
  • Prefer to optimize code which is slow and runs often. Optimizing code which is fast and runs rarely is usually a waste of time, and can even be harmful if it makes that code more difficult to understand or maintain. You can determine if code is fast or slow by measuring it.
  • Reject performance discussions that aren't rooted in concrete data.

Naming Things

  • Follow language-specific conventions.
  • Name things unambiguously.
  • Choose descriptive names.
  • Avoid nonstandard abbreviations (common abbreviations like ID, URI and HTTP are fine).
  • Spell words correctly.
  • Use correct grammar.

For example, avoid these sorts of naming choices:

$PIE->GET_FLAVOR();       //  Unconventional.
$thing->doStuff();        //  Ambiguous.
$list->empty();           //  Ambiguous -- is it isEmpty() or makeEmpty()?
$e = 3;                   //  Not descriptive.
$this->updtHndlr();       //  Nonstandard abbreviation.
$this->chackSpulls();     //  Misspelling, ungrammatical.

Prefer these:

$pie->getFlavor();        //  Conventional.
$pie->bake();             //  Unambiguous.
$list->isEmpty();         //  Unambiguous.
$list->makeEmpty();       //  Unambiguous.
$edge_count = 3;          //  Descriptive.
$this->updateHandler();   //  No nonstandard abbreviations.
$this->getID();           //  Standard abbreviation.
$this->checkSpelling();   //  Correct spelling and grammar.

Error Handling

  • Strongly prefer to detect errors.
  • Strongly prefer to fail fast and loudly. The maximum cost of script termination is known, bounded, and fairly small. The maximum cost of continuing script execution when errors have occurred is unknown and unbounded. This also makes APIs much easier to use and problems far easier to debug.

When you ignore errors, defer error handling, or degrade the severity of errors by treating them as warnings and then dismissing them, you risk dangerous behavior which may be difficult to troubleshoot:

exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak');                //  Bad!

exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak', $out, $err);    //  Also bad!
if ($err) {
  debug_rlog("Unable to copy file!");

Instead, fail loudly:

exec('echo '.$data.' > file.bak', $out, $err);    //  Better
if ($err) {
  throw new Exception("Unable to copy file!");

But the best approach is to use or write an API which simplifies condition handling and makes it easier to get right than wrong:

execx('echo %s > file.bak', $data);               //  Good
Filesystem::writeFile('file.bak', $data);         //  Best

Documentation, Comments and Formatting

  • Prefer to remove code by deleting it over removing it by commenting it out. It shall live forever in source control, and can be retrieved therefrom if it is ever again called upon.
  • In source code, use only ASCII printable characters plus space and linefeed. Do not use UTF-8 or other multibyte encodings.

See Also