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(New page: Graphviz Tests <graphviz caption='Hello SVG and PNG' alt='phylogenetic tree' format='svg+png'> digraph G { node [shape=plaintext]; Mollusca [URL="Mollusca"]; Neomeniomorpha [URL="Ne...)
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Graphviz Tests
Graphviz Tests
digraph G {
size ="4,4";
main [shape=box]; /* this is a comment */
main -> parse [weight=8];
parse -> execute;
main -> init [style=dotted];
main -> cleanup;
execute -> { make_string; printf}
init -> make_string;
edge [color=red]; // so is this
main -> printf [style=bold,label="100 times"];
make_string [label="make a\nstring"];
node [shape=box,style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0"];
execute -> compare;
<graphviz caption='Hello SVG and PNG' alt='phylogenetic tree' format='svg+png'>
<graphviz caption='Hello SVG and PNG' alt='phylogenetic tree' format='svg+png'>

Revision as of 16:30, 12 March 2009

Graphviz Tests